Braveheart - Freedom fighter

in hive-161155 •  2 years ago 

It is war.
It may not be in the country where you live but this is a fact and not a conspiracy theory. War has a reason and that reason is greed. There is always a country that starts the war. Usually, there is bullying and scolding first. This bullying continues until so many borders have been crossed that the victim has no choice but to defend himself.
I read the most awful statements about what people say about their fellow men. I am not going to repeat what is said, but it is striking that the same people always talk about love and often God, but when it comes to charity and kindness, they do the opposite of what is said.
I am not a freedom fighter and prefer to stay away rather than get involved in discussions that are not about anything. Many people can't discuss things anyway but only want to hear what they already think, and blame someone else for what goes wrong in their lives or life in general.
It is interesting that every crisis is always announced long in advance. That is not a conspiracy either, but a sign of intent.
As long as we are all not rotten enough, there will be no revolt and we will continue to live from one crisis to the next or war. The rich are greedy and even though they already have everything, they still want what someone else (country) has. This greed is the reason for the many wars that are provoked. War is a business model and the way to exterminate people, people who are a threat to the handful of rich people.
Imagine what the world would be like if the people revolted en masse. I myself think that this could happen if things are bad enough for all of us. You don't need to have a brave heart for that. In the end, the misery, poverty, hunger and fear create a bond.

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Greed is and remains the greatest incentive for people.
Therefore I also maintain that we are actually not "humans" but "parasites"!
We know no mercy and eat even our own kind!
Our biggest enemy is the religion!
No matter which - all have only one in mind:
Power - greed - egoism!

And all this works only because we are also still lazy and comfortable.
We must get out of our "comfort zone", so that something happens.
But this will always happen only by war.
The misery must be very big for it.
Have another nice day.

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I agree with you. We need war to wake up, well those who aren't awake yet. I only doubt it will happen this time. Enjoy the weekend.

It's never enough, strange.
I think we are made lazy and comfortable. Without they couldn't punish us.

I am in a way but I'm not sure if I am for all people. I learned that the deaf and dumb don't care and have to discover it themselves if they ever. If not they will die for what they believe in.