I already wrote about '13 Reasons Why' in 300 characters but I still want to talk about this Netflix series again.
The first season is about Hannah who committed suicide and left behind cassette tapes on which she talks about what happened to her. To be honest, I find it overdone, drama and had trouble watching the first few episodes. Not because it appealed to me so much, by the way.
It is certainly true that Liberty High School is not the best school and does not care for its students. What surprises me is that the bullying and harassment continues despite what happened. I find that astonishing and also that the school does not take measures. Whoever watches this series notices that it's only a few pupils who put up posters after Hannah's death, but after a few days, most of them find that this suicide no longer plays a role. Life goes on and only those who hear the cassette tapes suffer.
Each episode is about one side of the tape and one person is discussed. As a viewer, you then see what happened, through Hannah's eyes.
That the truth is different for everyone should be clear and also becomes clear as the series progresses. Personally, I don't think the 13 reasons Hannah gives count equally. With rape, I can imagine that this is a very good reason to commit suicide. But as the rapist herself doesn't get to hear these tapes, only is mentioned indirectly, I still wonder why Hannah takes it out on the 13 persons she mentions so specifically, including the dean Mr Porter. It doesn't sound logical to me.
When one by one the persons concerned and their bad deeds towards Hannah are discussed, and later also made public, you see that these people do come closer to each other. Those who have something in common, however different, soon become closer, more friends.
Hannah has an image of each person mentioned but what I miss is her compassion. When you see the lives of these people, you can only conclude that they all have problems, at home, with others, are bullied and live in fear. What exactly Clay's problem is is not made clear and neither is whether he really sees Hannah after her death (and talks to her) because he no longer takes his medication.
The second season is a sequel to the first.
Hannah's mother starts a lawsuit against the school. Are they right to do so or are the parents also to blame for their daughter's suicide? In any case, the school's lawyer does her best to exonerate the school. Again, I find it strange that lawyer Dennis does not go and take a look at the school or that the school itself does not take the initiative to hang up cameras. While the trial continues, students are threatened and raped in the most brutal way possible and although the teachers know exactly who is being bullied, the perpetrators are never dealt with. In this respect, the school is realistic.... the rich and popular bullies go free here too.
I find it shocking how Tyler, when he is allowed back into the school, is taken to task in a gruesome way. No, I don't understand why he doesn't take the trouble to report this to the dean, the headmaster, his parents and the police. Like all pupils, he lies and says that he is doing well and that nothing is wrong.
Why don't the police investigate, why doesn't the school hire security guards, why aren't the toilets checked and equipped with cameras, why do the popular boys get away with everything with their bragging and why don't the parents remove their children from school?
What parent lets their child suffer day in and day out? In the second season, we see the protagonists especially suffering and they walk or stumble around beaten up.
Does Hannah have a right to speak? The school's lawyer reveals why Hannah is new to Liberty High School and the conversations she has with Clay are in stark contrast to the messages she left on the cassette tapes.
Alex shot himself and survived. He's a great character and it is worth it to watch this series because of him, Justin and Clay but only to those who can apply a degree of objectivity. This is not for the depressed or the aggressive. All this drama does not make you happy, but the roles are well played and the second season makes this series a lot better.