A pleasant good morning to us.Lets welcome our day with a beautiful smile.Think positive despite the crisis we face now.
Turnsole is a species of Heliotropes also known as Scorpion weed.In the Philippines we call it "elepanti".It has a long bunches of purple or lavender colored five petaled flowers.It is used widely for centuries on warts and to threat inflammations and tumors. This is a good remedy in your home instead of buying medicine.It is used as analgesic or rheumatism and for numerous skin problems.Just get three plants of tornsole,wash it with clean water and boiled it for a minute.Let it warm and ready to drink.When you feel " bughat"these are the best medicine you take.
Tornsole has been grow near or far from your house,they grow in hottier climate but they dont do well in heavy clay.
Be wise,used organic plants before to medical substance.
Thank you