Interlude & Knowledge from Kyai Makruf Khazin: God's Promise for Our Sustenance: 10% for japansteemit

in hive-161179 •  3 years ago 

Interlude & Knowledge from Kyai Makruf Khazin:
God's Promise for Our Sustenance:

Many Children, Many Sustenance:

After having 2 children, my wife is already using family planning. But how about a sudden header, the wife is breastfeeding but there is a fetus in it. Since then, she accidentally got pregnant again and got pregnant up to 5 times.

It is true what the Prophet said that the best women are women who "eat". But of course it's better if the husband "does it".

Alhamdulillah, the presence of children always brings their own sustenance by believing in the word of Allah:


"We are the ones who will provide sustenance to your children and also to you..." (Al-'Isrā': 31).

I remember very well when my first child was born, I had absolutely no money. Until the midwife and wife gave birth also did not have money. I was determined to be ready to work at the midwife for a month if I couldn't pay. Alhamdulillah, it turns out that my mother-in-law got an arisan. Enough for the cost of childbirth.

The next 15 years, my three children had to stay together at the same time. Again, no money. I firmly believe in the dawuh kiai quoting from the hadith:

اﻟﻌﻠﻢ اﻟﻠﻪ (ﺧﻂ) اﻟﺤﺎﺭﺙ اﻟﺼﺪاﺋﻲ.

"Whoever seeks knowledge, Allah will bear his sustenance" (HR Khatib al-Baghdadi, quoted by Al-Hafidz As-Suyuthi in Al-Jami' Ash-Shaghir).

Ndilalah, 2 days before there was a sudden seminar. Of the 2 presenters who came, only I was asked to serve as other presenters at the same time. Thank God the envelope was given intact and enough to house 3 children.

This holiday before Ramadan, everyone went home and asked to buy used cellphones. Alhamdulillah, just keep going. Later in Shawwal, there will be many more idle cellphones but they always ask to be brought when visiting the cottage.

The saying is true: "Many children, many sustenance. Many wives, many envious..."


Selingan & Ilmu dari Kiyai Makruf Khazin :
Janji Allah Bagi Rezeki Kita :

Banyak Anak Banyak Rezeki :

Setelah punya anak 2, istri saya sudah pakai KB. Tapi bagaimana lagi tiba-tiba kesundulan, istri sedang memberi ASI tapi ada janin di dalamnya. Sejak saat itu tidak sengaja lagi hamil dan hamil sampai 5x.

Memang betul sabda Nabi bahwa sebaik-baik wanita adalah wanita yang "manakan". Tapi tentu lebih baik lagi suami yang "jalukan".

Alhamdulillah kehadiran anak-anak selalu membawa rezekinya masing-masing dengan meyakini firman Allah:

نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُهُمْ وَإِيَّاكُمْ ۚ

"Kamilah yang akan memberi rezeki kepada anak-anakmu dan juga kepadamu..." (Al-'Isrā': 31).

Saya ingat betul saat kelahiran anak pertama sama sekali tidak punya uang. Hingga di Bidan dan istri melahirkan juga belum punya uang. Saya pun bertekad siap bekerja di Bidan itu selama sebulan jika tidak bisa membayar. Alhamdulillah ternyata ibu mertua dapat arisan. Cukup untuk biaya persalinan.

15 tahun berikutnya, ketiga anak saya harus mondok bersamaan. Lagi-lagi uang belum ada. Saya bersikukuh percaya dengan dawuh kiai yang mengutip dari hadis:

ﻣﻦ ﻃﻠﺐ اﻟﻌﻠﻢ ﺗﻜﻔﻞ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻟﻪ ﺑﺮﺯﻗﻪ (ﺧﻂ) ﻋﻦ ﺯﻳﺎﺩ ﺑﻦ اﻟﺤﺎﺭﺙ اﻟﺼﺪاﺋﻲ.

"Barangsiapa mencari ilmu maka Allah menanggung rezekinya" (HR Khatib al-Baghdadi, dikutip oleh Al-Hafidz As-Suyuthi dalam Al-Jami' Ash-Shaghir).

Ndilalah, 2 hari sebelumnya ada seminar mendadak. Dari 2 pemateri yang datang cuma saya sekaligus diminta merangkap pemateri lain. Alhamdulillah amplopnya diberi utuh dan cukup untuk memondokkan 3 anak.

Liburan jelang Ramadan ini semua pulang dan minta dibelikan HP seken. Alhamdulillah terus pokoknya. Nanti bulan Syawal banyak lagi HP nganggur tapi selalu minta dibawa saat sambangan di pondok.

Benar kata pepatah: "Banyak anak, banyak rezeki. Banyak istri, banyak yang iri..."

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