Today's Study(Java, XML related term)

in hive-161179 •  2 years ago 

Hi, Everyone! This is @neko9!!
Today's summary of terms related to Java and XML, but to be honest, I'm not very good at memorizing these...
But I'll do my best!

①Java related term


・Java applet : A program that a web browser downloads Java bytecode on a web server and executes it in the Java VM.

・Java Servlet : A Java program executed on a Web server in response to a Web client request.
Once loaded, it resides on the server and is executed as a thread.

・JavaBeans : A convention for handling programs developed in Java as application components.

・EJB : Abbreviation for Enterprise JavaBeans.
JavaBeans with additional enterprise functionality (server-side processing).

・J2EE : Abbreviation for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.
A framework for building server-side applications in large-scale Web-based enterprise systems, or a specification for platform technology.
*The constituent technologies include Servlet, JSP, EJB, JDBC, etc.

・Ajax : Abbreviation for Asynchronous JavaScript+XML.
A technology that uses the asynchronous communication function of JavaScript to realize a dynamic user interface in which screen transitions do not occur.
*I think this has helped me to create much more elaborate web pages!!

②XML related term


・DTD : Abbreviation for Document Type Definition.
A schema language that defines how to describe XML data, or a description for defining the XML document structure.

・CSS : Abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheets.
A specification that handles visual representation information such as font size, font color, and line spacing for HTML and XML documents.

・XSLT : Abbreviation for XML Stylesheet Language Transformations.
A specification for converting an XML document ⇒ another XML document or HTML.

・SVG : Abbreviation for Scalable Vector Graphics.
A standard for representing graphic objects in XML format.
*The outline is not coarsened even if it is scaled up or down, and a text editor can also be created.

・SMIL : Abbreviation for Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
An XML-based markup language for expressing the layout and playback timing of multimedia content such as video and audio.

Oh... the dreadful feeling of memorization... No, I'm not discouraged, I'll learn a little at a time!

How was it? Now on to the next Today's Study!

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