Today's Study(Type of programming language)

in hive-161179 •  2 years ago 

Hi, Everyone! This is @neko9!!
Today we will study the different types of programming languages.

Programming languages can be broadly classified into four categories.

①Procedural Language
A step-by-step description of the algorithm, sentence by sentence.
However, the order of execution of the algorithm can be changed by writing control statements!
*example : Fortran, COBOL, C

②Functional Language
A program is written by defining functions and their calls.
You can do "recursion," calling yourself within a function.
*example : Lisp

③Logic Programming Language
Programs are described by logical expressions based on predicate logic.
It is suitable for problems that require inferences such as "If ~, then...".
*example : Prolog

It is also used in the "expert systems" that come up when studying AI.

④Object-Oriented Language
All data are objects, and all calculations are accomplished by sending messages to objects.
*example : Java, C++

I'm sure this is familiar to quite a few of you.
It's a concept that was in common use not too long ago!

Now, if you've been following along, you've probably noticed that we've been missing that language that's been hot lately. I'm talking about the language that's hot these days.

Yes, Python!
Python belongs to the other framework and is a "scripting language.
*If you're interested, please check it out!

↓By the way, here's how they did in the Programming Languages Popularity Ranking 2020!

What language did you use?
See you in the next Today's Study!

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@neko9 さんは、何かソフトウェア開発されているのですか?


@neko9 さん、こんにちは。


💡 アップボートガイド 💡
