How To Survive An Earthquake in Japan

in hive-161179 •  3 years ago 
Japan is definitely a beautiful place with it cherry blossom and prestigious culture. Nevertheless Earthquakes are prone in Japan than any part of the world. Hence Japanese are thought ways of survival during earthquakes as a little as they may be in their childhood. It is therefore important for travelers and explorers to know how to survive a sudden earthquake.

This would only be a recap and reminder to my dear Japanese friends.


Thanks to the warning system in Japan, people are alerted and made aware few minutes before the impact so that everyone gets a safer place.

  1. Take cover

    In Japan, due to their building codes most earthquakes are mild.
    But in case you find yourself in a harsh situation with a very strong and hectic earthquake, first thing you have to do is to take cover. It’s safer when you take cover under a study table, desk. And don’t go to somewhere like the kitchen where things can fall or spill on you.

  2. Don’t rush out of the building

    Due to excess panic you might feel like running out of your building. Probably to take something but it’s not safe.
    It’s likely that window glasses, signboards, poles and other heavy or cutting edge substance might fall from buildings during earthquakes which is far more dangerous. You cannot outrun an earthquake even with your motor or car. This is because waves moves faster.

  3. Turn of gas, stoves, and electric appliances


    Gas is very sensitive with movement and heat signatures. And if your gas or stove is turned on during an earthquake it can trigger the gas stove to cause a fire-outbreak which can cause more deaths and havoc than the earthquake since the fire might transfer to a neighbor then to another neighbor and so on..

    As it happened way back in 1923 when a fire outbreak caused by earthquake, killed more people than the earthquake itself.

  4. Open the door to secure an exit

    Doors and windows are often bent during earthquakes and difficult to open. It is in everyone’s best to open closest windows and door on the onset or the beginning of an earthquake. So then can people easily move out and be safe after the tremor.

  5. Follow directions


    If you happen to find yourself at a bus or train station. Or even and official station, do well to adhere to directions since they are trained for occurrences of earthquakes and can help you stay safe.
    If you don’t speak Japanese, don’t panic. Do well to find someone to translate to you.

  6. Evacuations

    After an earthquake you might be instructed to evacuate. Evacuations are always by foot and bridges. Cars are not recommended since some bridges have gotten weak due to the tremor. Major roadways are reserved for emergencies of earthquakes.
    If you are driving during an earthquake don’t just stop and run out of the car in the middle of the road. Unless there’s a sudden falling object which causes you to move out. If there’s no such circumstances, do well to move your car to the far left to pave way for emergency vehicles.


As part of the process you might be asked to move to a higher ground if there is a suspected tsunami alongside.
So do well to heed to instructions and don’t panic.

Thank you all for reading. Stay safe.

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