昨夜撮影した月写真 :)

in hive-161179 •  5 days ago 

昨日友達とお酒を飲んで出てきたら月が明るかったので写真を撮ってみました。 満月ではありませんでしたが、月が大きくて明るくて素敵でした。 スマートフォンで拡大したら月面もよく見えました。 有意義な時間でした。







だるい火曜日の午後です。 私はもうすぐミーティングの約束があるので出かけます。 皆さん、今日も楽しくて安らかな一日になりますように。:)


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Hi @sean2masaaki

I understand what happens now when you withdraw my witness vote again, it's easy to put 2 and 2 together
Does that mean you no longer want our upvote on your posts

I have withdrawn the witness vote due to unclear standards and frequent omissions on your voting. My members are on the same page, and we would like to take a period to review our witness vote as a whole.

You will receive votes from @steem.botto @xpilar @xpilar.witness 2 times a day unless major changes happen

The amount of voting I receive from the accounts you mentioned is too inconsistent. Sometimes there is a lot of voting, but I think most of the voting is too little. It seems necessary to clarify the standards of voting and keep them steady so that there are no omissions. If you can comply with these, I will review them again with my members.

are you on discord

I'm a little stressed by the comments that keep on going on by 2 accounts. I will review about that on my own with my members. Please understand it.

Sorry, didn't realize we were both talking to you now