Japan5050 || kebahagiaan saat menyambut hari raya idul Fitri 1443 H. || Payout 10% to @ japansteemit

in hive-161179 •  2 years ago 

illustration of joy

illustration of joy

On this occasion I want to make a post about the joy of welcoming Eid al-Fitr where this year Eid Al-Fitr falls on Monday, May 2, 2022. Where after sunset on the afternoon of the 29th Ramadan, it enters into Maghrib Eid Al-Fitr. Where from the afternoon it was seen where the children were looking for firecrackers or candles that they would use at night as an outlet for their joy in welcoming the night of Eid al-Fitr. However, in contrast to the position of adults, they are more active in carrying out takbiran in the meunasah and in the mosque as their gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who has given a very happy day to his servants, namely Eid al-Fitr.

Then how is that happiness expressed during this pandemic? While there are calls and even prohibitions to express it? During this pandemic, the views of Muslim groups are different.

Maybe we as Muslims are also sometimes confused by various statements that differ, for example, between it is permissible to gather and feel joy on Eid with all aspects of worship and who strictly prohibits any form of gathering, including the context of worship that triggers the spread of the transmission of dangerous diseases. corona. This debate seems to never end, in fact it has been going on for months almost sticking to each other's beliefs and apparently having no effect on the spread of this terrible epidemic.

illustration of joy

illustration of joy

It turns out, happiness in the end stops at the space of the tug-of-war between material and spiritual happiness. In short, we are always faced with these two conflicting conditions to determine which is the most important: material or spiritual or both? So which one should come first?

Imam al-Ghazali in his work "al-Kimyatu as-Sa'adah" explains the need for two things for humans while living in this world. First, the protection and maintenance of the soul; and secondly the care and maintenance of his body. Nurturing the human soul—according to al-Ghazali—the most appropriate is through his knowledge of God, so that love for Him grows. When absorbed into him something other than Allah, is the same as the collapse of his own soul. The body is like a ride on the soul that is limited and will perish one day, while the soul remains eternal until the end. It is the soul who takes care of the body, like a pilgrim who pays attention to his vehicle, he treats it carefully and well, does not get caught up in cosmetic treatments: beautifies or decorates his vehicle, so that he forgets the most valuable entity of his vehicle.


The peak of happiness for ordinary Muslims will be in the evening, when the Maghrib call to prayer is heard and then the takbir, tahlil, and tahmid words are sounded through loudspeakers. They expressed joy and happiness because their souls were successfully directed to their love for God, getting to know the transcendent divine entity, immanently, through their visits for congregational worship in the houses of Allah scattered in every corner of the village. They never feel sad about any situation and any conditions, because they only know the good, not the bad. To the extent that the Messenger of Allah gave praise, "I am amazed at the attitude of those who believe, everything is always good for him, if something befalls them that they like, they praise Allah and it is good for him, and if something is afflicted with something they dislike, they are patient and for him. still a good thing. No one always thinks everything is good, except those who believe in Allah


Thank you to all friends who support me in this STEEMJAPAN community especially our admins @tomoyan , @juichi and @zulhendra .also to the curation accounts in this community @japansteemit and @ecosynthesizer.

about me @whalewinners







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