Introducing Steem-Environment Community

in hive-161774 •  3 years ago  (edited)


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Dear Steem-Environment Community
Greetings to all of us!!!
May we always be in good health and blessed by God.

Steem-Environment Community Background

Nature and its contents are the creation of God Almighty

The Steem-Environment Community is a community that provides an open space to voice various environmental issues related to globalization and industrialization as well as the needs of human life.

The Steem-Environment community was founded on the initiative of @saifuddin73, an environmentalist activist and also a founder of the Aceh-Aceh Environment and Human Rights Defense Institute (LPLHa). This is a non-governmental organization that has carried out many environmental, social and human rights advocacy activities.

In establishing this community, @saifuddin73 collaborated with several environmental activists or outdoor activists who are members of nature lovers' organizations. They are @arul.ellyazhar @samsol003 @palang @nasrud ​​@emirzafirdaus.

The Steem-Environment Community is a free space where everyone can share knowledge about environmentally friendly living through the Steemit platform. It is also an educational medium for everyone who wants to gain knowledge in preserving the environment.

Environmental problems have become a global issue, various efforts continue to be made for environmental sustainability. Through this introductory post, we also introduce the new Steem-Environment logo which we have just inaugurated.

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Content Types and Categories
  • In the first Steem-Environment community we encouraged writing on all kinds of environmental issues.
  • Environmentally friendly activities
  • In essence, all types of writing are welcome, the important thing is that all writings are associated with the environment.
Steem-Environment Community Goals
  • As a place for Steemians who love the environment to appreciate their thoughts and ideas in an effort to preserve the environment and life that is environmentally friendly and energy efficient.
  • Become an alternative media as a forum for campaigning on environmental issues.
  • Increase the understanding of Steemians to behave environmentally friendly.
  • Sharing information about environmental issues around the world
  • The media share the idea of ​​preserving the environment.
  • Increase collective awareness to preserve the environment.
  • Aiming to grow our main curated account @hive-161774 by gaining delegates through generous supporters.
Steem-Environment Community General Rules
  • No hate speech or racism should be tolerated.
  • Post original content and avoid duplicates or copy/paste.
  • If you are citing material or images from other sources, always include/provide clear references.
  • Photos used in posts must be original or from a royalty-free image website.
  • You can post in any language but English is preferred.
  • Engage actively interact and get to know each other with other users by commenting on their posts to develop a better ecosystem.
  • We invite all steem-environment members to regularly power up, by supporting #club5050 #club75 #club100.
  • The Steem-Environment team has the right to change or modify all forms of rules according to the needs and developments in accordance with the policies of the Steemit team.

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Understanding Community Curation Accounts

After the meeting with all the teams that we held on Thursday, January 13, 2022, which took place at one of the cafes in the city of Lhokseumawe, Aceh-Indonesia. We conclude and agree that the community curation account we use is the @hive-161774 account. This is a joint decision after we previously used the @curr-environment curation account. From now on, we will move all steem power or delegation from the @curr-environment account to the @hive-161774 account.

This is the explanation and introduction as well as the launch of the official Steem-Environment community logo. With the hope of becoming an independent community in the future.

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Special Thanks to :
@steemcurator01 | @steemcurator02
@pennsif | @greenman | @steemchiller | @stephenkendal | @xeldal |

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Steem-Environment Team
@saifuddin73 | @arul.ellyazhar
@samsol003 | @palang | @nasrud ​​| @emirzafirdaus

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Sukses dan mencapai prestasi sesuai harapan untuk komunitas ini, semangat selalu....!

Terimakasih banyak telah berkunjung dan berkomentar, semoga dapat berbagi postingan juga disini.

Salam @saifuddin73

Please I want you to verify me here is my achievement1 post

Nice post. Semangat terus pak untuk membuat postingan yang luar biasa selanjutnya

[WhereIn Android] (

Terimakasih kawan, semoga kita semua terua semangat

nice community.i will support as well as i can

thank you guys, we are very excited, wish us luck

Nice, semoga komunitas ini bisa bermanfaat dan tumbuh secara signifikan

Dengan semangat bersama, InsyaAllah kita bisa, walau harus dengan cara merangkak.

Luar biasa👏👏👏 semoga kedepannya komunitas ini bisa mencapai target tertinggi. Dan tentunya akan menjadi tmpat penuangan karya karya para pecinta lingkungan. Salam letari!!!

Thanks for your support and we also hope that stemian friends can actively share ideas, or ideas about environmental conservation in this community.

Salam lestari.

Semoga kita dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam kampanye penyelamatan lingkungan hidup.

No conment
Best of the best 👍✍️💯
Succes for you

Terimakasih banyak telah singgah di blog pencinta lingkungan hidup, semoga senang berada komunitas ini.

Salam lestari, @saifuddin73.

Terimakasih kembali pak @saifuddin73 semoga komunitas ini tumbuh subur sebagaimana hijaunya hutan di atas bukit Seulawah yang kita cintai.

Terimakasih pak, tapi apakah seulawah masih ada hutan pak ?

Hhhhhhh tinggal sisa sisa tangan setan


Thanks Mr. @klen.civil

Let's join #Steem-Environment, I think will be a friendly space for you. Have a nice day!

Terimakasih bang, mohon masukan dan saran, dan mohon disampaikan jika ada kekeliruan kami dalam mencoba di segmen ini.

Salam, @saifuddin73

Nyan ka mantap pak, cuma aktif poster wah na peningkatan sagai menye menurut lon, dan meunyoe jet neu kaitkan environment ngon promo steem nyak na feedback keu steemit.

Menyo berkenan droneuh, ta jeb kupi sigo jeut bang. !!!

Insya Allah pak, meunyoe na lewat u geudong neu hubungi kamo pak.

Oia eunteuk lon peu ek lam majalah introduce nyoe sigo pak beuh.?

Alhamdulillah, terimakasih banyak.

We all hope that the birth of the Steem Environment community will become a forum for social interaction that concentrates on preserving the environment and the natural surroundings. Streamline the function of the community to invite and foster a sense of love for nature and care for the environment to local communities and the world community in general. We believe that "this community" will really be able to grow because the mission of "steem environment" is to realize real action in the midst of people's lives. I really support this great community. Steem and Environment is a promotional package that will work to advance this community. Let's do your real action to save your nature.

terimakasih banyak kawan, kami saat ini sedang menghimpun SDB untuk membeli pohon dan menanamnya sebagai bentuk nyata kontribusi komunitas ini untuk kampanye penyelamatan lingkungan hidup.

salam, @saifuddin73

we wait, insight into the environment is enlightening

kita dapat melakukannya bersama-sama kawan, terimakasih telah singgah di sini, dan kami berharap anda menjadi salah satu bagiannya.

salam @saifuddin73.

Ooo mantap that ka nyan. Lanjutkan.

Terimakasih banyak atas dukungannya

Bumi bersinar tanpa sampah. Bumi yang lestari karena hijau yang asri.

Kata-kata bijak, sangat menyentuh, terimakasih telah berpartisipasi dalam blog ini.

thank you so much for the notification

Terimakasih telah berkunjung, kami sangat senang jika bung kenal juga dapat berbagi postingan dari pengalaman pendakian gunung selama ini.


Komunitas keren. Saya sangat tertarik Dengan isu tentang Lingkungan hidup. Save the The World.
Sukses...👍🏻👍🏻🙏🏻@arul.ellyazhar dkk

Terima kasih Kakak @riena96
Kami menunggu postingan yang menarik dari anda

Dengan adanya komunitas #environment, semoga dapat menjadi wadah terbaik untuk melakukan tindakan positif dalam menjalankan bagian penting untuk menjaga ekosistem alam, saya sangat mendukung penuh Komunitas #steemenvironment secara pribadi maupun secara langsung, semoga pihak steemit dapat mendukung penuh komunitas ini untuk memberikan pengetahuan serta kreativitas para steemians untuk dapat melakukan hal yang positif untuk menjaga alam semesta.

Dengan komunitas ini saya berharap dapat berkembang secara optimal untuk mendapatkan wadah terbaik untuk para steemians lain dalam membuat konten. SEMANGAT

Terima kasih Bang @afrizalbinalka sambutan hangatnya, semoga komunitas ini dapat berkembang dan mandiri kedepannya seperti yang kita harapkan.

Kami menunggu postingan menarik dari anda pada komunitas ini, saya pikir akan menjadi ruang yang ramah untuk anda. Semoga hari kita selalu menyenangkan dan terus berbagi inspirasi!


Alright friends will be releasing posts in the environment community soon

Terima kasih banyak bang @afrizalbinalka udah mendukung serta memberi masukan dan saran yang sangat baik.

safe my brother @palang

Oke bang

mantappp,,, semoga kedepannya menjadi komunitas terbaik dan mendapatkan dukungan dari steemit team ..

Terimakasih telah singgah, mendoakan dan mendukung kami, semoga kita mendapatkan keberuntungan.

This is a positive step. We hope that the presence of this community will become a forum that will provide environmental education to the wider community. This is space for a better earth

Mantap boss Qu lanjutkan

Terimakasih banyak telah singgah.

This post has been included in the latest edition of Steem Environment Magazine, please allow it.


thank you very much my brother, very good synergy.

this is a great community to live in an environmentally friendly way, hopefully this community will develop quickly and I really want to join the #Steem-Environment community.


Selamat datang di komunitas saudara, kami menunggu postingan hebat dari anda

What a lovely community
I consider this is really good to build awareness to keep & love our environment, especially awareness from our young generation

Keep it up, Sir 💪🏻
Best of luck 🎉

Thank you, we are very happy if you also want to share here.

With my pleasure @hive-161774 😁
InsyaaAllah, I will join as soon as possible 💙


Syarat bergabung?

Anda sudah tergabung bang @djadawadjadi

saya pikir akan menjadi ruang yang ramah untuk anda. Semoga hari anda menyenangkan 😉

Luar Biasa My senior

Hahaha, Bg Taufik bisa aja

Ab lah yang senior saya, kita alumni Perguruan Tinggi yang sama

Neu peuget Delegator mantong, bek na angka, male teuh, hahhahahahaha

Ka kebijakan Team lage nyoe bg 😉

Siap. hehehhehhe.

Go go go Steem Environment, keep doin the best and Steem On!

Ayo kita lakukan bersama-sama @bangmimi

Kami juga menunggu postingan yang luar biasa dari anda

Tidak ada yang sepesial pak, bahkan diluar kata luar biasa. Namun saya akan mencoba semampu saya untuk bisa mendukung komunitas ini, saya akan mempersiapkan postingan sederhana yang bisa mendukung gerakan teman-teman yang hebat.

Gracias. Steem on!!!
Selamat datang di komunitas kami bung. Mari mendukung planet bumi yangg lebih baik.

Saya dukung, dan saya akan berpartisipasi di komunitas teman-teman. Berharap menjadi yang terbaik dan terus membuat hal-hal yang positif.

jujur, saya sangat rindu ngopi dengan bang mimi.

Siap ayahanda, ya kami yang muda-muda selalu siap dan hari-hari ngopi, ya biar tidak terlalu terlihat penganggurannya, jadi bangun pagi berangkat dari rumah dan Steem On di warung kopi!

Ini komunitas hebat.
Masalah lingkungan hidup adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting.

Salam dari kami Steemian pesisir pantai barat selatan Aceh, yang juga bagian dari orang-orang yang peduli terhadap lingkungan


A very good explanation, hopefully we will grow to grow in the community to care about this environment, still always giving the best writing in this community.

Hi @rachman-jr25

As a generous member we hope to add a delegation from you to develop the community

will launch as soon as my voting power returns to 80%.