#Club5050 | Gotoroyong with 12 State Elementary School Students in Lhokseumawe City.

in hive-161774 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello environmental friends in this extraordinary community, I hope we are happy to always be in the protection of Allah SWT, and keep the spirit in socializing the environment for future generations.

After conducting an audition with the SD Negeri 12 Lhokseumawe school to do service at the school, in addition, we also from the community service lecture group also provided information to students that we also held English and Arabic lessons.

In Indonesia, community service courses are one of the compulsory subjects in the final semester of tertiary institutions, universities under the ministry of religion that this service is called community service lectures (KPM), are different from the mention of universities under the ministry of education and culture as real work courses (KKN). , both names function to serve the community, while this service comes from the tridharma of higher education, namely education, research and service.
Community service is carried out by final students to serve in rural areas who still lack knowledge of certain educational sciences, besides that students are also advised to be able to communicate effectively with rural communities.

Not all schools in our area get good attention and community support, the schools that we carry out this service really need support from all parties, at this school we also point out the importance of protecting the environment, this learning needs to be taught and practiced from now on, after provide a little education to students, we also invite students to work together in the school environment.

We do mutual cooperation with students, one of which we clean the school hall, this school also lacks cleaning staff and the teachers who teach are also old, KPM friends are also very enthusiastic about cleaning the school while playing with students, because basically they give lessons for children must be able to coordinate their thinking.

In addition to cleaning the hall, we also cleaned the library and organized the books well, it turned out that the books were in the high-year publishing library, but the vice principal said that the library was not functioning because the library manager was sick with old age. The public's view is still lacking with this school, there are some school infrastructure damaged by irresponsible people, so this school looks like there is no management, hopefully this school will become advanced and be known by all Lhokseumawe residents. Thus my short writing, I hope it can be useful for readers, I am also grateful. Thank you to all those who have helped me in writing, I also realize that my writing is still far from perfect, and also thanks to the leaders and team of this community, hopefully this community will become more advanced and get support from the steemit team.

1DeviceIphon 11
2LocationAceh Indonesia
3EditedEfek Instagram

Best Greetings

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