In 2015, there was a huge flood in Chennai. Many were taken prisoner at home. Director Prem Kumar wrote the story of the movie "96" in 20 days while he was under house arrest. The following year, Vijay announced the project with Setupati and Trisha Krishnan in the lead roles. Shooting goes on from mid-2016 to mid-2018. And released on October 4, 2017! That is exactly 3 years ago from today! 😊 96 is a reunion, and the story of floating, wanting and losing in the sea of memories centered on it! A story about how beautiful, how diverse, and how painful love can be.
After finishing most of the movies, we say "Wow!" Or that type of word comes to mind. There are some 96 in the crowd! Which ends with "Shit! Why?" It seems to be getting up. Those who think about our reality, think about our past! It was a box office success, winning many awards. One of the top rated movies in India. Not everyone has the same choice, so many may have many comments. There will be! However, yes ... # 96 has managed to cut a mark in the minds of most viewers. This movie is successful here, everyone involved in it is successful! # 3yearsof96