Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 2 - Earth Day 2023

in hive-163291 •  last year  (edited)

What do you know about climate action and earth day?

Humans have inflicted immense damage to the environment. The Climate action is a curative & damage-controlling method to minimize the further derogation of the environment. People raise above the humam-made borders and boundaries banding together to pursue the environmental cause. It is believed if we don't act now the mother earth will reprimand us and our next generations heavily; there will be erosions, slides, infertility, water scarcity, unseasoned rain/snowfall, excessive heat wave, ecological imbalance and so on.

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd, goes in the same spirit of evoking environmental concerns.
The Day is a stark reminder of the potential disaster that we are inviting by indulging in deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, industrialisation and through endless other ways. It gives us chance to take protective measures so that future generations do not pay through nose and curse us.

Show your experiences or activities will that you do to take care of the earth for the better!

cleaning clogged water cannel
I have been active from University Times organising discussions, seminars attending conferences and participating in cleanness and plantation drives. Fee instances are as follows:

During University days I vividly recall co-organising Open air discussion titled "Defacement of Naseem Bagh" Naseem Bagh is a Mughal-era Chinar garden in University campus which becomes attraction for photogenic people during autumn.

I have also participated in many plantation drives organised by different NGOs in J&K. Apart from that I have participated in essay writing competition on the theme environment and achieved 3rd position.

Show environmentally friendly products that you use when traveling or on adventures

While travelling the foremost thing I do is carry my steel water bottle instead of plastic bottle.

I also use jute or paper bags to carry light items apart from that I use durable cloth bags to carry heavy stuff.

I also try to dispose of the garbage properly. Apart from that I encourage my friends to have civic sense and do our bit to keep the environment clean.

Cloth-made bags

Share tips for protecting the environment from trash when adventuring in nature!

Human interference in natural site takes huge toll on the environment.

  • Do not litter
  • Do not leave human traces. Leave the unexplored places as they are. More human traces make it vulnerable
  • Do not lite a fire especially in forest area
  • Do not take plastic with you
  • Do not breach into animal habitats
  • Take some bags along to collect your trash
  • Use reusable instead of disposable containers

Your hope for the future of the earth!

The exponential development world is currently witnessing prompts people to change land use: according to the study Conducted by World Wildlife Fund it is the largest contributor posing threat to biodiversity. This is followed by species overexploitation, pollution and climate change.
If Humans continued to keep self-interests at center-stage, if crony capitalism doesn't stop laying it's hands on environment and we continue to act irresponsibility then there is complete hopelessness. But I'll still wish to pin my hopes in the right-thinking global citizenry and expect our collective efforts and concerns for the mother planet will adumbrate the new eco-friendly social strata. If we get to see increase in eco-friendly population then the hope for minimization of damage to planet rekindles.

Concluding with an invitation to @zeeewanee @aamir07 and @voidsoul to participate in this task

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Excelente presentación amigo @aasifwani, realmente es importante que tomemos conciencia sobre el futuro del planeta, ya que, de seguir en este modo consumista, le acortaremos el tiempo de vida que tiene nuestro hogar.

Por otra parte, cuando la pandemia, mientras estábamos todos en casa, se detuvieron las fábricas, y durante ese corto tiempo, sentimos que nuestro planeta resurgió y tomó un segundo aire, se recuperó muy poco, pero lo hizo.

¿Será que necesitamos resguardarnos en nuestras casas y detener las fábricas y sus procesos contaminantes por un período de tiempo cada año?

Es tema de discusión.

Qué bueno que ha estado activo en actividades de plantación de árboles, lo cual es una esperanza para nuestro planeta.

Muy buenos consejos para los que salen de viaje o excursión.

Gracias por compartirlo.

Saludos. SLPS

FJJRG Saludos.png

Thanks for connecting with me.

It won't be possible to completely stop industries but if every country declare some policy regarding it then it may he possible to contain pollution for some time and allow nature to heal.

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Thank you !!!
Have a nice day !

Thanks for the feed back. I'll definetely improve


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Thanks for choosing me!

If we cannot preserve nature and climate change continues then disasters will occur and will be very detrimental to all of us, and we must prevent this together.

Wish you best of luck