Mustard production and its uses.

in hive-164655 •  6 months ago 

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Among all the crops, mustard is one of the most widely grown crops in Bangladesh. It is grown during winter also known as rabi season. There are two principle varieties of mustard: white and black. It is pertinent to add here that both types of mustard are quite integrated to our food and agricultural culture.


Benefits of Mustard Cultivation:

The cultivation of Mustard is normally done between the month of October to January. This crop needs sunlight in moderately moist conditions as far as the soil is concerned. Furthermore, it does not take too long to have the mustard crop ready for harvest, it is very suitable for the farmers. Satisfactory profitability is made when growing mustard whereby costs incurred in preparing the field are relatively low.


Mustard Nutrients:

It comes from mustard seeds that we normally use in our preparing our food, here in Kenya. Mustard oil is known to contain omega 3 fatty acid which is so essential for a healthy heart. Moreover, it also has vitamin E and antioxidants believe it or not these are essential for our skin.


Uses of Mustard:

Among all the oils, the mustard oil has found extensive use, especially in Bangladesh. Not only for cooking but also for the massage it is widely used. It is a tradition in countryside of Bengal to massage the body with mustard oil. Besides, the mustard husk after extraction of the oil is fed to the animals.Except for oil, other by-products are the seeds which are used for pressing while the residue from the seeds after the oil process is used as cattle feed.


Importance of Mustard:

Mustard is not only used as a food delicacy or as oil, but it is also playing a role of improving fertility of soils. The mustard plants on their part contribute to the nitrogen content of the soil thus readying the land for the next crop. Hence the cultivation of mustard is have significant contribution in the agriculture sector of Bangladesh.

Because of the nature of the qualities of the crops, it is now one of the most agricultural crops in the production of Bangladesh. Hence the necessity to enhance the level of awareness of the farmers in order to boost up the practice of growing mustard.

Hence the use of mustard is essential in our food and especially in agricultural life, hence encouraging our economic growth.

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