「买赞贴/buy vote」Steem community discussion/社区大讨论:who changed the API?/谁改了API?

in hive-165526 •  4 years ago 

Yesterday, I translated @steemitblog 's post about "what is abuse?":
昨天全文翻译了 @steemitblog 关于 “什么是滥用?”的帖子:
【买赞贴/buy vote】steem社区大讨论:什么是滥用?What is Abuse?

And at the time of posting, it is announced that it is necessary to buy upvote for this post. Why? As well as relevant data description, you can see: huge difference in buy upvote data
并且在发帖时,就宣告要对此贴进行买赞。为何?以及相关数据说明,可见: 买赞数据的巨大差异

For the same reason, today's post will still buy upvote. Today, however, I'm still not eager to participate in the @steemitblog about "what is abuse?" The discussion is more important and fundamental: "who changed the API?"
同样的原因,今天的这个帖子,仍然会买赞。不过,今天仍然不急于参与 @steemitblog 发起的关于 “什么是滥用?” 的讨论,而是更重要和基础的问题: “谁改了API?”

After hive's hard fork from steem, steem is not more and more stable, but constantly emerging new situation. Not to mention, in recent days, we found that many functions can not be used, for example, the transaction records on https://steemd.com can not be read.
经过hive 从 steem 硬分叉后,steem不是越来越稳定了,而是不断出现新状况。远的不说,最近几天发现很多功能不能用,比如 https://steemd.com 上的交易记录读不了了。

such as/比如: https://steemd.com/tx/352d2dc2dcb483db9a6990541c8ad76e387f71f9
屏幕快照 2020-05-08 下午5.12.12.png

For example, after beempy posts, submit again (equivalent to editing) and report an error:
比如 beempy 发帖后,再次提交(相当于编辑)时报错:
beempy -n 'https://api.steemit.com' post -a postauthoer -t 'title' -p 'post permlink' --tags 'posttag1,posttag12' --community 'postcom' postmarkdown.md
Error message/报错信息:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'diff_match_patch'

Obviously, someone should be changing the steem API, so who is it? Why?
很显然,steem 的API 应该有人在改动,那么是谁?为何?


「买赞贴/buy vote」Steem community discussion/社区大讨论:who changed the API?/谁改了API?


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💜 I love you, @huaren.news! Even while you keep flagging my posts on hive without giving me an explanation.
A huge hug! 🤗

JCAR 5월 구독보팅입니다.
행복한 5월 되세요

interesting thank you :)


yes agree sir !
Thanks for sharing 💜

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Sir please you can tell me by which tag of yours, i can use for my post?
I want to join @HuaRen.News

I enjoyed reading it. Vey interesting. Please write more of this.