Join The SplinterFilter Guild Today!
Join the guild here
We are now looking to recruit some new members to our guild and have plenty of spaces available if you're looking for a guild to join.
Our guild works on the equal share system where each member is required to pay an equal share towards the maximum 2,700,000 dec to have the guild maxed out.
This means each player is responsible for depositing 90k dec to the guild, and we allow people a maximum of 365 days to complete payment. If you struggle to meet the payments then we can work out alternative arrangements and allow more time for the payment to be made.
Requirements For Guild Members
We have some simple requirements to follow:
- Be Friendly - No abuse, spam, hate etc. in our guild whatsoever, just be friendly it's simple
- Deposit 90k over 365 days (we can be flexible on the time, but regular deposits must be made)
- Complete at least 2 daily quests per week (we're flexible for time off the game, holidays, work commitments etc. just let us know in the tavern)
Is there a league minimum limit?
Nope, you can be in the novice league... everyone is welcome providing they meet our 3 requirements!
90k is too much for me, can I pay less?
We run our guild on the principle of being an equal share for every member, this way there isn't any member paying more or less than anyone else. We keep track of the deposits via the guild. You can however delay the payments, we're happy as long as you continue to make regular contributions.
What if I can't complete daily quests
We understand that some players only use a limited number of splinters, in this case we are fine with you not completing daily quests as long as you let us know in the tavern. If you don't complete any daily quests for 4 weeks running then we will consider removing the player as we will need the scrolls to keep the guild at max level.
Can I get a refund of my dec deposited to the guild
Unfortunately not, splinterlands does not refund guild owners in anyway. Thus we can not refund you if you want to leave our guild, sorry.
Originally posted at splinterfilter-guild-recruitment-join-us-today-equal-share-guild