Business Activity / @Cactusgens🌿💜✨// Our Nursery is Growing with Reproduction New Plants - Now we will have more profit.// 🌿💜✨ / / 10% Business Activity # CLUB5050🟡

in hive-165917 •  3 years ago 


Graptopetalum Bronze

We are Very Happy as our Business is Increasing!

And today we celebrate that in one of our visits or tours that we usually make in our nursery for each of the plants that we have available right now we were able to see and notice that our plants have grown significantly, they are doing the following:

  • New Shoots
  • suckers
  • Estate
  • Cuttings with Roots
    And some decapitated branches are already with new shoots

This truly is a privilege to note that with the care of each of our plants we are seeing the results obtained through the application of adequate irrigation, an excellent substrate prepared especially for Cactaceae in addition and that plays a fundamental role in the cultivation of this type of plants. is sun exposure.

For the care of this type of plants, the water is natural, we do not have to pay any type of service since we obtain it directly from the tap, but we apply organically produced fungicides and in this way we avoid pests in our plants, in the next post we will be showing How we prepare the fungicide called nin.

Applying this type of product gives it many benefits, both externally and internally, since many times when we use chemical products, the plant tends to lack some type of nutrient or, on the contrary, it is attacked by pests and environmental diseases, either by Monte worms the terrible cochineals and even jumpers this type of pests are detestable for cacti and succulents.

Graptopetalum Bronze shoots

We also work organically using a fertilizer called earthworm humus. This type of product is totally organic and we do not apply chemicals to our plants, which is why they grow naturally and without any kind of stumble.

Applying this type of product gives it many benefits, both externally and internally, since many times when we use chemical products, the plant tends to lack some type of nutrient or, on the contrary, it is attacked by pests and environmental diseases, either by Monte worms the terrible cochineals and even jumpers this type of pests are detestable for cacti and succulents.

Suckers of Graptopetalum Paraguayense, Titubens, Texanum

The organic fertilizer that we apply has a cost of $5 for a 2-liter bottle of product, this gives us to apply approximately 4 fertilizers distributed in 15 days each application.(16 STEEM)

Since the liquid that comes in each bottle is a concentrate and you have to dilute it 100 ML in a liter of water, that is why it yields us at this time, but how can we see that our plants are reproducing, perhaps later we will have to apply a higher dose .

You can see in each of the cuttings of our plants how roots and new bulbs or new shoots of succulents have come out. After a month or two approximately they can be transplanted into their new pots.

The approximate time of this type of plants for these roots to come out is approximately 25 days, they have all this batch that we have shown you from the first images.

Lenophyllum texanum / Sedum suckers

Each one of these little leaves or cuttings will make a new plant that, when acquiring an appropriate size, can be sold for between 2 or $3 each of them at retail price. You can see that applying the method of reproducing cuttings is totally effective and because they are plants Small ones are regularly highly requested by collectors or clients who want to put together a new collection.(10 STEEM)

From the Cactusgens Nursery we wish you a Happy and Blessed Day and that your Business is Prosperous.

Photographs taken with our Redmi Note 10S Cell Phone.


Source Banners

Some photographs were taken from our official page, you can see them in the following link. 👇

Have More Advice on Our Commercial Profile @Cactusgens

Business name:@Cactusgens
Owner's name:@gensequini
Business address:Barcelona, Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
About us:Link Presentation


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Hello @Cactusgens, glad to hear that your business is improving.

Thank you for sharing with us about the new nursery process and how to reproduce beautiful succulents.

I hope your business will always be blessed.
