Business Activity / @Cactusgens🌿💜✨Presentation of New Marketing Proposal - Product Expansion // / 10% Business Activity # CLUB5050🟡

in hive-165917 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Image Model Exhibitor 1

With the growth of the companies that are in our environment, we cannot stop looking for new creative ideas for the growth of our business, and that is why today we want to present you with a project that we want to develop with the help of all of you and the support that we are sure we will to have within the platform together with the curators, since both for us and for you to be able to strengthen our business system through the Blockchain is to create sustainability through our work and the reward obtained within it.

We were absent from the community for several days because we are looking for a way to make a difference in the market and be able to create products that are original to our brand and take it to a new level. It is extremely important for us to show you this proposal since in a short time we have managed to grow within the community and for us the point of view of all investors is very valuable, this will help us to promote this creative idea that we have.

Plant Displays for Outside Business Areas:

This type of product arose through the different types of entrepreneurship fairs that we have attended, where we saw the need to create better comfort and an attractive visual field for our client. This is our main focus and we want to achieve it by carrying out displays that allow us to place each of our arrangements on a step so that they can be displayed naturally and thus attract a potential customer.


Measurements Display Model 1

¿What Is The Main Business Idea?

We want to make several types of displays made mainly of pine wood, this type of material allows us to create a good support for the weight of each of the plant arrangements that we will place in it, since by having substrate in their pots or well said earth this will give extra weight to our decorative ornament, so we must have a material that creates a good support for the stability of the arrangement.

¿Because We Use Pine Wood And Not Another Type Of Saterial Such as iron Or Plastic?

The natural finish that this type of material provides to the plants is totally extraordinary, since it creates a contrast between the plant, the pot and its support. We can also see the option of painting it, but we prefer to leave it in a natural wood finish tone since that the idea is to Highlight the plant but not the display, we will use this as a base to Highlight our final product.

Image Model Exhibitor 2

¿Where Yo Position this Type of Products With Your Display?

This type of product would be ideal to place in places that are outdoors and some of the businesses that we have been thinking about where we could go to present this proposal would be:

  • At the entrances of still lifes
  • Some type of popular coffee in the area
  • Also why not, florists those places where people come looking to give a present and a gift to their loved one.

We have been thinking that with the rewards obtained within the platform we could make one or two monthly displays, since we must also add the products to achieve a uniform composition and this would be an additional cost.

Image Model Exhibitor 3

¿What Would be the Business Plan OR Plan of Attack When Offering This Type of Product?

Being plants, they must be careful and we must be observing the evolution and the continuous process that they have in their growth in this way we optimize that the final product is always kept in good condition, for this reason the proposal that we are going to offer to the business that we visit would be The next.

  • We would leave the product on consignment, that is, every 15 or 30 days it would go through the place to see how many products have been sold.

  • The profit that we estimate the businesses that we visit to have for the sale of these products on consignment would be 15% to 20%, in this way perhaps we would not obtain much profit, but the idea is to position ourselves in the market and be more visible to those potential customers. that we have not yet reached.

  • We will propose one or two weekly visits to the premises, we would take care of the evaluation and the state of conservation of the plants.

  • How is a consignment product, we must be aware of the solar exposure and the irrigation of the plant since these two factors work hand in hand and if any of them fails our plants could be in danger, so the irrigation part is handled we would do.

Image Model Exhibitor 4+

¿Let's Talk About the Costs of This Type of Displays And How Much do we Need to Make the First Ones?

We have been researching in the market since this type of material is very well preserved and if water falls on it, it does not have any type of problem that it will deteriorate, pine wood is used by large industries for the transport of any type of products and if it gets wet there is no loss in it because it can be kept for a certain time, that is why for us and the type of product that we are going to distribute we prefer to use this material.

The measurements of the exhibitors that we show you and the models vary but the additional manufacturing cost between them is similar. The variation in size and shape does not matter since when they are made from the same type of material, their cost is usually similar.

Cost For Exbidor Elaboration - Standard measures 1.20m high25$ - 82 Steem

Asking a Carpenter in my city for an estimate online, there you can see the image and cost of the product in the conversation.

Image Model Exhibitor 5

The cost of the general consignment merchandise that we will offer will vary depending on the amount of plant that we leave in place, so I cannot give you a global price, it would be more generalized when, with God's favor, we have our first exhibitors positioned.

All the images were taken from the internet and each one has its sources, we hope to show you our own images soon.

We hope that the business idea proposal that we provide you is to your liking and let us know your opinion.

From the Cactusgens Nursery we wish you a Happy and Blessed Day and that your Business is Prosperous.


Source Banners

Have More Advice on Our Commercial Profile @Cactusgens

Business name:@Cactusgens
Owner's name:@gensequini
Business address:Barcelona, Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
About us:Link Presentation


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Hello @Cactusgens this is a very interesting idea a very brilliant idea we would like to see your next publication have achieved every surprise you want to offer this is very beautiful.

We believe your dream of wanting to make your business more interesting than before will be achieved.

Success keep the spirit going buddy!

Expand, grow and favor both parties, the client and you as an investor.

A very good strategy where it helps position, the will show the plants, your business and distribute this type of pieces for the placement of the plants.

Each designed to support the ideal plant weight.

The models are all beautiful and we hope that this idea that will soon materialize will help you increase sales and position more in the market.

Great ideas, good results.

We are glad that you are an active member and that this strategy is successful for you.

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Greetings, excellent products to offer, I loved them, diversification is the key to success.