PUSS Market Pumping Again, Now The Last Time To Investment

in hive-165987 โ€ขย  last monthย 


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Today I am back with a very beautiful post for you. By looking at the title of my post, you have understood what I am going to share today and when I was making this post, there were many things going on in my head and that is why I thought that today I would like to share such a post with you so that you can know about some things from me and here I will share everything very well so that you can get a lot of good information from here and when you see this informative post of mine, I think you can see a lot of good things from here


  • PUSS Creation

When this coin was created, many of us saw it and it did not come before the eyes of many of us when we came to know about this coin. Many of us have invested a lot in this coin and till now many are investing in this coin and I am also constantly trying to invest in this coin and when this coin was first created here, many things happened here which we all know and when this coin was created for the first time and when we came to know about this coin, we will talk about the qualities it has here. I found out the name and the creator of this coin is our beloved @rme Dada

He has created many coins before this coin and has also created many songs after it, but till now he has given the most emphasis on this coin and he is doing all the works that it has and he is constantly telling us about it and we are constantly interested in hearing those words because we always listen to the words that he tells us and we can learn a lot from them and when he tells us those events, we try to take it very well and when he shares all these words with a lot of information, it is very beneficial for us and when he always shares with us about this coin, we can also learn about many things about this coin


  • PUSS Marketing & Promotion

When our coin was first released, we learned about this point and whenever we learn about this point, we all try to work on it so that people know about our coin and until now, the promotion work of our coin is going on and it will continue as we all know and until we are able to present our coin to the people and when people know about our coin and until people know about our coin, we will all continue to work hard

And there are many people in the field of marketing our coin and many people here are marketing our coin and those who are big investors as they are making profit here and are leaving with a very good profit from here are also getting to know about our coin and from them others are also getting to know about our adoption because all the people who leave here and when other new people come to know about this coin from them, they are also interested in investing here and if they want to, they can achieve something good by investing here and as a result only our Promotion is what it is, but here we can do a lot of marketing, and many people are stuck in a lot of marketing, which we can always see

  • PUSS Development

When our coin was released, we saw that many people were coming here and many were talking a lot about our coin and they were saying how to make our coin something good and all our holders are here and we are in contact with many of the development team who are working on our coin and we can see that there are many new developments here every day and many such developments have come here that we have all seen and many such developments are going to come from Telegram to all the social media that we have. Among all the developments that we need to do for this channel are.

At the same time, many people have given many suggestions on the official website of this coin and according to those suggestions, our development team has tried to take us to a very good level and they are constantly doing their best in the development work here and they are not making any mistakes in the development work and if any new development is needed or if we need to take steps to make this coin better for the next generation, then they will do it from here that day and one day we will see that the interface of this coin will be as amazing as its price will be much higher

  • PUSS Listing On DEX & CEX

When this coin was first released, it was listed on many dexes, later when we saw its price and saw many good things here one after another, we learned a lot from here and later we learned everything about our coin and when people came to know about our coin, Another thing to know is that when it is listed somewhere and the official websites that are listed reveal about our coin to people, it does a great job of promotion and promotion for us and when we are listed there, many people sit here to make a very good profit.

And in this case, among all the other exchange sites that are there, a lot of work is being done to get our coin listed and in some time we will not leave any exchange site where we will not be able to see our coin and when we will be able to see our coin everywhere, we will see here that everything is happening very well and when I am sharing everything very well with you here, you can also learn a lot from here and when we know everything very well here, the information we can get from here and at the same time, people can also learn about this coin through the advertisements here.

  • Maybe The Last Chance To Invest

And if we look at the price of our coin on all the exchange sites, we can see that its price was very low yesterday compared to today and after two or three days, this coin price has increased a lot and when the price of this coin has increased a lot, from here we can see that we are moving forward to earn a very good profit and when we look at everything very well, we can achieve a lot of good things from here and when we look at everything very well and move forward more, we will see that this coin has almost increased a lot

And constantly we can see that the market is going down once and the market is going up again and this is now a normal thing and when the coins in this market go down a lot and when they get a chance to pump again, we can see here that we can earn a lot of good profits and for this if we can invest a lot and sit down to move forward, then we can achieve something good here because Now if we want to invest here and achieve something good then this might be the last chance for all of us because maybe once the market goes up then it will be very difficult for this market to go down. Now since many opportunities are being given, we should take this opportunity and invest here so that we can achieve something good in the future.

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Few words About my self

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I am Abdullah Al Saimoon from Bangladesh. My nickname is ๐“‘๐“˜๐“™๐“ž๐“จ. I am a student. I am the regular user and post maker in this platform. I love share my regular activities in this platform. I am a resident of Daganbhuiyan upazila of Feni district. See details about me on Google There are my social media accounts YouTube , Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram . I am ethnically Muslim. I am a biker and a bike lover. I've been riding bikes many times. I went out in many places with bike.

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ย  ยท ย last monthย (edited)
  • 04.02.2025



ย  ยท ย last monthย 
ย  ยท ย 28 days agoย 

Hello @bijoy1,

Please show us a complete evidence of your puss promotion, promotion on dex-screener is lacking

ย  ยท ย 28 days agoย 

Ok sir.
I will add it.