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in hive-166168 •  2 years ago 

Yesterday I walked around the St. Petersburg markets and explored the second-hand bookstores, and today I left off to the village for my summer holidays; trampled green moss in the forest and knocked down fly agarics. Just kidding: there are not a single fly agaric in the forest, I stumbled upon very few mushrooms: boletus, red-headed boletus, porcini... and of course a sea of russula/britlegills. So I did not leave the forest empty, and in the evening we had stewed mushrooms for dinner :)

Еще вчера я гулял по Петербургским рынкам и изучал содержимое полок у букинистов, а сегодня уехал на летние каникулы в деревню, и топтал зеленый мох да сшибал мухоморы. Шутка! Мухоморов в лесу нет ни единого, грибов как-то вообще мало, но они есть! подберезовики, красноголовики, белые... и конечно море сыроежек. Так чтл из леса я ушел не пустым, и вечером имел тушеные грибы на ужин :)

Photo is clickable for high-res.


location: Vyritza, Russia August 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 50mm raw-conv
f 2.8 t 1/50 ISO 250


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BLOG is set to 100% powerup, as always.
All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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That looks tasty! How did you cook them?


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

not me, my wife to ask -- if you need exact details. but generally, these went to the stew. sometimes we add them to a soup, and sometimes we fry them with potatoes, onions and cream. thats it.

Stewed mushrooms are always good! Haven't tried frying them like that, sounds good, I'll need to try it....



chantarelles are extremely delicious in the fried version. cheers!

Send me some, it looks fantastic, LOL! Glad you had a tasty meal out of it.


Send me some? haha. probably you can get them in your local mall, chantarelles is a season mushrooms xD
btw if you run account on Hive, feell free to check my recent post, just shared a splendid results of my yesterday fungi photo-hunt :D

But not my mailbox? ROFLOL! Our seasonal mushroom here is a Morell.

I'll come over and have a look! I've been studying eatable and medicinal mushrooms. Maybe I can learn something I can use, thanks!
