Report of the month of March as representative of Venezuela, Community Curator of Latin America and moderator of Steemit Nursery.

in hive-166405 •  4 years ago 

Hello friends!!


Below I present my report for the month of March of this year as representative of Venezuela, Community Curator of Latin America and moderator of Steemit Nursery

As a representative of Venezuela, I am the moderator of the community Steem Venezuela work that I carry out together with the other representatives of Venezuela, the support received for all the initiatives proposed by the users has been truly incredible, this motivates us to continue.

Among the initiatives presented by the community are the themes and tags per day for the publications according to the content

DayTheme of the Day (categories)Label
MondayOf Writing#sv-escritura
TuesdayOf Kitchen#sv-cocina
WednesdayCreative works#sv-obrascreativas
ThursdayArt and Photography#sv-arte, #sv-fotografia
FridayOf Cryptocurrency#sv-cripto

The Saturday days that are science days are under my responsibility, so on 06, 13, 20 and 27 I was working as a curator with the @hive-193637 account and selecting 5 publications for the booming support program, thus making the Top 5 posts for each corresponding Saturday.

DatePublicationSelected users
06/03/2021Top 5 [SABADO 06/03/2021 de Ciencias.]@elpastor - @thomblanco - @enma - @josegregori - @exqueila
13/03/2021Top 5 [SABADO 13/03/2021 de Ciencias.]@pedrodriguez34 - @reinaseq - @josevbc - @gilbertoboscan - @josegregori
20/03/2021Top 5 [SABADO 20/03/2021 de Ciencias.]@patrick201 - @emmyp - @pedrodriguez34 - @jricarc - @exqueila
27/03/2021Top 5 [SABADO 27/03/2021 de Ciencias.]@josem50 - @hectorgallardo - @josevbc - @scarlex - @roquiro

Another of the initiatives of the Steem Venezuela community is the holding of contests in order to encourage users to publish, that is why this March it carries out 2 contests


Concurso: Cultura típica venezolana que te hace sentir orgulloso.

This contest began on Tuesday, March 16 and ended on Monday, March 22 at 9:00 pm (UTC-04 Venezuela)

Receiving the figure of 72 participations

The results were published on March 24 Ganadores De Mi Concurso: Cultura típica venezolana que te hace sentir orgulloso.

Resulting as winners

In First Place @fraiber, who won 07,000 STEEM

In Second Place @teretiti, who won 05,000 STEEM

In Third Place @patrick201, who won 03,000 STEEM


Concurso: Orgulloso de mi estado.❤️🇻🇪

This contest began on Saturday, March 27 and ended on Friday, April 2 at 9:00 pm (UTC-04 Venezuela)

Receiving 55 entries

The results were published on April 4 [Winners Of My Contest: Proud of my state.❤️🇻🇪]( of-my-state)

Resulting as winners

In First Place @williang, who won 07,000 STEEM

In Second Place @haniel, who won 05,000 STEEM

In Third Place @rhina27, who won 03,000 STEEM

Work performed as moderator of

In this community I am in charge of guiding, supporting and motivating new users, something I always do through contests, this February I had the honor of running 1 contest which was financed by steemcurator03 with due authorization from @cryptokannon and @belenguerra.


Contest: how I met Steemit.// Concurso: como conocí a Steemit.

This contest began on March 6 and ends on March 12 - 23:59 pm (VEN).

He received the valuable support of 76 participants.

The results were published in Winners of Contest: how I met Steemit.//Ganadores de Concurso: como conocí a Steemit.

Resulting winners

In First Place @offia66, WINNER vote of 70% of @ steemcurator03

In Second Place @timgrace, WINNER of vote of 60% of @ steemcurator03

In Third Place @talktofaith, WINNER of vote of 50% of @ steemcurator03

In Fourth Place @ladyleilei, WINNER of vote of 40% of @ steemcurator03

In Fifth Place @angelva, WINNER of vote of 30% of @ steemcurator03

Community Curator of Latin America

Our work as manual curators with the @steemcurator05 account is done through an updated public list that is updated daily by all representatives, in the month of March I was in charge of the account three times.

Monday 07-03-2021

@albenis - @mayifiestas - @mavibauza - @marinmex - @mariocdn - @marlut - @mariita52 - @mariana4ve - @mariarodriguez - @mariannysleone - @mariaale14 - @mari30 - @manuelramos - @manuelgil64 - @manuel2107 - @maitt87 - @mafalda2018 - @luiyi-22 - @lucianahurtado - @lopzdaniel - @lisfabian - @lililuki - @leonelb -@leonardoj333 - @leito21 - @lacharrakey - @kikenexum -@karelys5318 - @justjcampos - @juliocampos - @jricarc - @josuenahum04 - @josevargas18 - @josephdaniela - @josegilberto - @josegregori

Friday 12-03-2021

@adeljose - @wilmer1988 - @willialba - @warrenjemkis - @vic-osw - @venturabogarin - @vempromundo - @valentina10 - @tocho2 - @thomblanco - @terediaz - @teorjg - @syllem - @sughey - @stefanycaldera - @soyeme - @solperez - @sol02 - @slwzl - @sir-lionel - @shoday - @sharifanamin - @sepulennto - @scarlet1998 - @santi06 - @santamorillo - @sandrojh20 - @sampraise - @sammy1109 - @sakurarte - @sacra97

Friday 12-03-2021

@albenis - @leigth - @ledcerv - @lazul - @lacharrakey - @keilyflow11 - @juliocampos - @jricarc - @josuenahum04 - @josevargas18 - @josephdaniela - @josegilberto - @jorgerodriguez - @jorcamjor - @joelqui - @jlufer - @jeemrocker - @jadnven - @ivonei - @ivanni - @isgledysduarte - @isabellamm - @isabel2304 - @inspiracion - @hildegartte - @helengutier2 - @heedysguevara - @haniel - @graceleon - @genomil - @genesis2301 - @gallardo16

Votes made

Below I present a graph of the distribution of the votes given throughout the month of March, using the tool Steemyy



First of all, to all the people who make up The Team Steemit and to the entire latinamerica representative team @adeljose, @belenguerra, @edlili24, @fendit, @albenis, @inspiracion, @wilmer1988 and @tocho2

But above all I thank all those people who support my contests and initiatives, to you my respect and my greatest gratitude.

❤ With God and Steemit we can go far !! ❤


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Hola amiga , saludos del estado Trujillo, quiero participar en los concursos de tu comunidad, como hago?? quien me puede orientar?, donde encuentro el canal de discord?, que etiquetas voy a colocar ?, como hago para conocer a los demás miembros y participantes?

Amigo gracias por comentar y estar presto para aprender... Tenemos una comunidad llamada Steem Venezuela sigue este enlace y aquí encontrarás información importante y los concursos. También puedes buscarme por discord y te doy más orientación.