Weekly Report #12 as Steem Representative, June 27 to July 3, 2024

in hive-166405 •  3 months ago  (edited)


Hi, all fellow Steemians,

Good Morning,

I am here to give you my activities during the 12th week of this report as a Steem Representative. Offline this week was a lazy one since the monsoon has hit our area with full force and most parts of our capital were submerged due to heavy rain. I spent most of my time indoors despite having my program to visit and travel to Uttarakhand (UK State), but it seems it won't be possible in the near future, at least for the next 50 to 60 days due to the rainy season.

Life is tough these days, but I did not sit idle but kept posting in different communities. I enjoyed posting in our own community the Dream Steem as there was a very interesting contest. I posted two fictional stories to keep myself busy, but not for competition.

I would like to mention once again that since I have no offline work any more, the good news is that I am busy on Steemit posting and engaging in conversation, keeping my spirit high.

Back to my mission of supporting newbies, as you all know, I visit newbies' posts regularly and keep them as beneficiaries in my posts every week. However, I am enjoying my hunt for newbies, and I did two posts again this week, keeping them as beneficiaries.


[A New Initiative to Help Newbies] (https://steemit.com/hive-107855/@dove11/a-new-initiative-to-help-newbies)

I again did that in two of my posts on Steemit this week in two different communities.

A newbie @lauren0802 is the first newbie of the week whose post I selected for keeping her as a beneficiary.


Achievement 1 post: Verification Through Introduction by @lauren0802

Here is my post


Think Circular: Even if you must sleep in a circular position

In this post, I have invited a number of newbies to motivate them to power up whom I have supported by setting them as beneficiaries in my present and previous posts.

Meanwhile, I have started a new contest for newcomers this week with my reward pattern of 2x3 =6 SP and 100x4 = 400 SP Delegation for one month (to selected newcomers)


Contest: The World of Fantasy Part 2 || Newcomers' special, but all Steemians are welcome

My second selected newbie for the week @tomalroy

For his post:


Achievement 1: Verification through introduction by @tomalroy||28|06||2024

Screenshot (2072).png

This is my post-


HWC Contest #65|| POWERUP & WIN WEEK 46 by 150 SP @dove11

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I am writing a message on the selected posts, but most of them do not understand the meaning of my message, so only a few respond to my message.

In this post, I have again invited newbies, whom I have set as beneficiaries in my different posts.

I invite six newbies and see who takes this opportunity.


I am trying my best by talking to them through different channels, spreading awareness, and even getting help from newcomers' community moderators and other learned members of this site. Incidentally, I was in a long video conversation discussing various topics, including how to spread awareness. I am glad I am getting all the support I need promptly.

As I mentioned in my last report too, I will keep supporting them even if I have to part with my hard-earned Steem. I am glad to note that a few teams have given importance to the "#newcomer" tag, as it will boost the morale of newcomers. I hope the community curators and community owners will do their best to encourage those who actually need our support. I am writing my regular posts, and this week was no different as I posted at least one every day and did a satisfactory job.

These are my regular posts

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As a moderator of Travel Steem, I am doing my regular duty on my assigned day, and as expected, we got the opportunity this SEC season. In this community, I also make sure that, as a moderator of Traveling Steem, if I see a newbie who needs my help, I try my best to support them by voting them up as per their post quality. This time I guided two, including the one who posted before the contest and the other who did not have club status but mentioned his club in tags.

As a community moderator, I tell the newbies how to use tags correctly or if I find any new users making any basic mistakes. As I said while scouting for the newbies, I did my regular posts, including one power-up post, as I have reached 30k+ Steem status and I am powering up every Steem and maintaining my club100 status right from the beginning and intend to keep doing the same.

I powered up once again this week and intend to power up at the end of this weekend once again at the weekend.

Here is my wallet report for the last three months.

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As SR I think beyond countries and communities but I try my best to support all good posts, but as I have mentioned time and again, I still see a lot of attempts to game the system, but now things seem to be changing for good. I am glad the Steem Blog is taking our suggestions seriously, and now the picture looks more colorful with a changed format in the 19th SEC. I hope this move by the site management will improve and make this platform even better.

My Account Summary

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My CSI is normally in the range of 14–22, which shows that I support all who need my support.

We in the Dream Steem Community support all Steemians through various methods, so I set the community as a beneficiary in all our posts, along with Burnsteem, which helps different causes. I stay away from rewards, which I suggest the contest starter and our moderator reserve for talented low-level members.

Last week, I participated in several challenge contests and performed at par, and despite my busy schedule, I did two diary posts and engaged in interaction as much as possible.

In the end, as a Steem Representative, I always think beyond any specific country or community and support everyone on the platform on an equal basis. Last but not least, thanks to all for all they do for the DreamSteem community and the Steemit platform in general.

That's all for this week!

Thanks, and have a good time ahead, all.
Yours Sincerely


National Capital Region, India

July 4th, 2024

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Hola un gran saludo a toda esta hermosa comunidad. Saludos también para @paloma11gracias por la invitación.. Aquí estoy de nuevo listo para publicar contenido más asiduamente. Luego de un viaje inesperado, me conecté de nuevo. He regresado y estamos listos para seguir batallando con buenos, actuales y excelentes contenidos.
Después de un viaje apuradado
regreso a mi tierra querida,
a respirar el aire mas puro
y abrazar a toda mi familia.
Momentos emocionantes se viven
Por el camino de las montañas
Recordando el paso de las aves
que revolotean contestas a sus anchas.

(verso de mi autoría @oswaldorafael)

Keep up the good job! My best wishes for a great future on this platform.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

সর্ব প্রথমেই আপনাকে জানাই স্বাগতম

মানুষ মানুষের জন্য। আমরা সবাই একে ওপরে অপরিসীম। আপনি নতুনদের প্রতি সহযোগিতার হাত বাড়িয়ে দিয়ে অত্যন্ত একটি ভালো কাজ করছেন। ঈশ্বর আপনার মঙ্গল করুক। আপনার এই সহযোগিতার জন্য আমাদের মত নতুন যারা আছি সবাই অনুপ্রাণিত হয়ে কিছু না কিছু করার চেষ্টা রাখছি।

যেকোনো কাজের ক্ষেত্রে আমরা একটা সহযোগিতা পেলে কাজ গুলো করা সহজ হয়ে পড়ে। এই প্লাটফর্মে কাজ করার জন্য আমাদের মত নতুন যারা আছি তাদেরকে প্লাটফর্ম সম্পর্কে এত সুন্দর করে ধারণা দিচ্ছেন ও উৎসাহিত করছেন খুবই ভালো কাজ করছেন। আশা রাখি এইভাবে সব সময় আপনি আপনার এই মহৎ কাজ পরিচালনা করে যাবেন। এই প্ল্যাটফর্মে আমাকে নির্বাচিত করার জন্য।

অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ

Most welcome!