Hello Everyone. This is Haidermehdi. Country Representative Pakistan! I am here to present the weekly report of this new month, March which is almost about to begin its 2nd week! We are growing well in terms of SP and active members as well. We just need to wait for a little before we achieve our goals of reaching 130k SP by the end of this month with steemit-pak In shaa Allah!
I am proud to announce that I have reached 18000 Steem Power of my own! I thank Almighty Allah for that and then the Steemit team, as it was never possible without their trust in me and their support!

Change In LifeStyle Team
A few days ago, we received a note from the ex-leader of our team telling us about his health and personal issues which were making it difficult for him to continue on this platform. And following the circumstances, he announced His departure from the Steemit Platform in a good manner hoping to be back as soon as his health allows him. We wish this to happen soon.
With this being said, he handed over the responsibility of running the Lifestyle Team as a Leader to Me. I have started interacting with the team members more than we used to earlier. We will run it like a team just like we have been doing it together for the past few weeks.
The Graphic Designing Exploration!
I started the series of Graphic Designing lectures as I was exploring Adobe Illustrator. Thus I decided to share my work with all other steemians just so that they could learn some skills through this amazing platform which is already giving them so much <3
I have so far completed 5 days of exploration in this series and I am looking to dive deeper into this exploration!
- Lecture # 1
- Lecture # 2
- Lecture # 3
- Lecture # 4
- Lecture # 5
- Lecture # 6
- Lecture # 7
- Lecture # 8
- Compilation + Lecture 9
- Lecture # 10
- Lecture # 11
Our Curator Team is in the Game!
Recently, we were chosen as one of the teams that are allowed to use the curation accounts. I have been working with papi.mati in this team and I have been assigned to curate the health tag on first priority and then other tags! It has been a good experience for the first week. It's all set and we hope to continue our good work and show our dedication to this platform :)
Please read the post below to know how to get upvoted :)
Day | Curator | Hashtag with the priority |
Monday | @progressivechef | #food |
Tuesday | @willeusz | #travel |
Wednesday | @esteban85 | #sport |
Thursday | @ponpase | #lifestyle |
Friday | @haidermehdi | #health |
Saturday | @o1eh | all the tags |
Sunday | @haidermehdi | #garden |
Revival of Pak-Charity, The Anonymous Hope Project!
We have been on a mission to help the poor without disclosing ourselves and we have been doing it for a long time Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Once we shared the pictures of such an event where we helped over 30 families with their monthly food necessities.
We are now back with complete faith and purest of intentions to begin helping people as per the name of The Anonymous Hope Project. We will be running this project through the @pak-charity account supervised by @Steemit-pak and @Haidermehdi and worked upon by the whole Steemit Pakistan Team with some volunteers.
Recent Distributions
It was a hectiv week as I had to work a lot in this week. I work in 2 Teams. SP Team and LifeStyle Team.
2 Members from the SP Team were quite busy this week thus I had to take over the steemit-pak account. With the Steemit-pak account, for the whole week I had to do the comments on all the posts, look for club status, delegations and Best picks throughout the week. I got assisted by aniqamashkoor many times, thanks to her I was able to manage the workload this week.
Then Papi's departure from the Curator Team also was a big shock to me. He handed over the leadership to me which added other responsibilities too! Now I will work over the time slots of our team to see where it's going wrong for us as sometimes the VP is charged prior to them it should work until!
Steemit Pakistan Responsibilities Distribution
In Steemit Pakistan, we believe in Quality work and dedication. Therefore, each member of the team is equal and bound to perform their duties equally. We have always divided the work between the Admins and Moderators. Being an Admin doesn't make the person any superior in terms of the division of the work, instead, it increases the responsibilities which are to be met on time every now and then!
Steemit Pakistan Post Verifications!

In the Posts, we have currently focused upon 5 things that matter while writing the post in the Steemit Pakistan Community. These aspects help us to recognize how strongly a member is connected to the Steemit Platform and Steemit Pakistan Community.
They are:
These are the 5 main aspects that Steemit Pakistan would be looking at in each and every post from now onwards and there will be a comment from the steemit-pak account on every incoming post checking for these 5 aspects.
Hence a table comprising of these 5 worthy elements with the verification confirmation looks somewhat like this:
Check | Action |
Plagiarism | No |
Club | #Club5050 |
Verification | Yes |
Bid-Bots | No |
Steemexclusive | Yes |
Prime Member | Yes |
Powerup Commitment:
Date From | Date Today | Amount Powered Up | Amount Transferred | Club Status |
20-10-2021 | 8-03-2022 | 9318 | 0 | Club100 |
Yours, Haidermehdi.
Country Representative Pakistan.
Steem On!