Weekly Curation Report by Team 4: X-Woman-fourth Week June 2024

in hive-166405 •  3 months ago 


Hello dear friends, today I have the pleasure of presenting the fourth report of June, 2024, by Team 4: X-Woman. This report covers the days from June 22 to 28.

We have managed to carry out the cures effectively with a rotating schedule, ending the month with 157 curated posts and 134 authors. We have also selected 35 comments.

We invite you to read the curation guidelines that we follow to select the publications: Curation Guidelines by Team No. 4 - June 2024. By following these guidelines you will have a better chance of your publication being selected.

Here are the details of these seven days of curation:



We have visited a wide variety of countries, a total of 22.

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We have covered a total of 32 communities and 3 own blogs.

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This week we have been able to cover 51 tags.

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Most of the supported publications are participating in the Club5050.

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In these seven days, we have voted for a total of 157 publications, and 35 comments.

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Top 7 Selected Publications Of The Week

This was a very active week in which we had the opportunity to select a wide range of publications, from diverse origins and here we bring you the ones we consider to be rewarded, also hoping that it will be an incentive for authors to continue creating and sharing quality content.


Author : @azwar82
Club : #club5050
Post Link:The diary game, 21 juni 2024|| mengunakan daun obat tradisional, untuk menurunkan demam putriku
Nominated by: @inspiracion
Curation window: Expired

In this publication @azwar82 tells us about his day, which began by returning to work after a vacation, it was a time of meeting with his colleagues who are also, in his own words, a great family.
He also tells us the rest of his day, during which he was helping to repair the ambulance, among other things, and also caring, when got home, to his little daughter who had a slight fever.
It is a diary in which he shows us, in addition to his routine, his life, his beliefs, and his appreciation for his colleagues and family through his actions.
This diary is illustrated with images that give us a clearer idea of ​​what it tells us.- @inspiracion



Author : @meheruntinni
Club : #club5050
Post Link: "New DIY contest week27 begins// DIY//LETS SEE WHAT YOU CAN CREATE
Nominated by: @mesola
Curation window: 4 days

I choose the author because of her stunning drawing of a shopkeeper. Her artwork is vibrant, detailed, and full of life, showcasing her creativity and skill. By sharing her step-by-step process, she inspires others to explore their own artistic potential. Her artwork and story embody the spirit of creativity. -@mesola



Author : @ishayachris
Club : #club5050
Post Link:SEC-S18W6: Once upon a time when I was a child!
Nominated by: @event-horizon
Curation window: 2 days

This post is full of nostalgia and emotions. The author has shared different memories from his childhood focusing on how each account shaped his future and that he owes his academic success to his parents. Despite being a contest post, I like the natural flow and the structure of this post.- @event-horizon



Author : @abdu.navi03
Club : #club5050
Post Link:Controlling Anger !
Nominated by: @inspiracion
Curation window: 1 day

In the framework of the participation challenge, @abdu.navi03, tells us how his way of managing the emotion of anger has been, through an analysis and thorough understanding of the problem that this emotion generates, he shows us how by focusing By seeking answers to his problems he has managed to have better control of the emotion of anger, managing to solve the problem that causes it.
It is a publication in which he shares his particular point of view, which is also well illustrated.-@inspiracion



Author : @etette
Club : #club5050
Post Link:The Economic Activity - Diary Game : BUYING PALM FRUIT FOR COOKING OIL PRODUCTION||22/06/2024||
Nominated by: @mesola
Curation window: Hours

I choose this post because it's a great example of entrepreneurship and hard work, especially during tough economic times. The author shares their personal experience of buying palm fruit for cooking oil production, including their budget and expenses. This post shows how people are finding ways to make a living and contribute to their economy, even when things are difficult. It's inspiring and relatable, and we can all learn from their determination and resourcefulness.

This post really has a lot to say, the author shares the importance of small businesses and entrepreneurs in driving economic growth and development, especially in some countries where the economy is facing challenges. By nominating this post, we can support and encourage more people to take initiative and start their own businesses, which can help stimulate economic growth and improve people's lives.-@mesola



Author : @thescreenaddict
Club : No Club
Post Link: The Screen Addict | Keanu
Nominated by: @event-horizon
Curation window: 5 days

I came across this new author who happens to be a Media & Entertainment professional and is trying to find his grounds on Steemit. A picture with Keanu Reeves drew my attention to the post but it was the content that made me nominate it. Read it for yourself. It's well articulated.- @event-horizon



Author : @jorgevandeperre
Club : #club75
Post Link:Study sketch for two fish
Nominated by: @inspiracion
Curation window: 4 days

@jorgevandeperre shares with us the creation of a drawing, which is part of a process he carries out to give shape to an idea. It is worth saying that his ability to draw is at an advanced level, which is why the execution he presents to us is very well finished.
I like the fact that it adds value to the process, by sharing with us the steps executed through the images. I hope that the support is an incentive for him to continue sharing his works with us.-@inspiracion


Thank you so much.

Best regards,

Team X-Women

@inspiracion [Venezuela]
@mesola [Nigeria]
@event-horizon [Pakistan]

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Congratulations to all those that have been chosen for weekly curation.

Saya sangat ber terimakasih kepada @inspiracion atas penghargaan yang ada berikan kepada postingan saya, diamama putri ku sedang mengalami sakit, dimana saya mengobatinya dengan ala tradisional supaya tidak mengandung banyak efeksamping, semoga ini semua menjadi motivasi buat pembaca khususnya dan buat kita semua, saya ucapkan sekali lagi terimakasih, semoga tim anda selalu sukses

Thank you for your kind words, @inspiracion! Much appreciated!

Congratulations to all the selected authors. I guess this will go a long way in encouraging and motivating them.

Thank you @inspiracion for the mention and your kind comment on my post, I appreciate it so much.
Also, congratulation to all the selected authors.