Twenty-third Week as a Steem Representative – CW 6

in hive-166405 •  8 months ago 

Photo by Bernhard Kilian

Deutsch im Anschluß…

Dear Steemians and Dear Steemit Team!

Unfortunately, and I'll say it clearly and annoyed once again: UNFORTUNATELY, nothing has been working as it should on Steem for several weeks now. Publications appear hours late in the display, regardless of whether they are posts or comments. Votes are not displayed for several days.

There were enough hints about these malfunctions, at times it seemed as if they had been fixed. The unpleasant surprise that it then boils down to waiting and uncertainty again makes the Steem an unpleasant place at the moment. I am confronted with several enquiries and complaints about this every day - and once again feel helpless, as there is no valid information available.

If the system is currently being worked on: are you seriously operating on an open heart? I thought, as an inexperienced layman, that you use a kind of dummy for programming and maintenance work... And then import the finished end product when it works. But what do I know...

Are you all awake now? Then I have something else on my mind...: please read @wakeupkitty.pal's post - she describes the same observations and impressions that I so often complain about myself. Perhaps her words will penetrate better:

This brings me back to the SRs who have already resigned in recent weeks and the question of whether we remaining ones want to continue to pretend that we perform miracles...

We do not. For my part, as you are used to from me, I am active as an author on various topics with my own contributions. I also - or actually mainly - appreciate the intensive communication with Steem friends all over the world. I regularly curate with my private account and the Community and Charity Accounts of the Dream Steem Community.


There, of course, everything runs as usual - our permanent "Keyword of the Week" competition is consistently popular. But more importantly, today I was able to welcome @soulfuldreamer to our team as a new moderator and I'm really looking forward to a fruitful collaboration! Her way of engaging with people and their thoughts fits perfectly with what I envision for our Community - and the Steem as a whole... A breath of fresh air ;-))

Finally, I'm thrilled with the success of @the-gorilla's initiative, who is now enthusiastically modernising the Steemit interface and whom I wish all the best for this ambitious project! Maybe this is another breath of fresh air. Change. Progress.

Please let us take up this impulse together and not remain in something unsatisfactory!

Yours @weisser-rabe

A new feature in the club status tool from @the-gorilla / Ein neues Feature im Clubstatus-Tool von @the-gorilla

Deutsche Version:

Liebe Steemians und liebens Steemit-Team!

Leider, und ich sage ganz deutlich und genervt noch einmal: LEIDER funktioniert auf dem Steem seit nunmehr einigen Wochen nichts, wie es eigentlich soll. Beiträge erscheinen um Stunden verspätet in der Anzeige, egal ob Posts oder Kommentare. Votes werden mehrere Tage nicht angezeigt.

Es gab genug Hinweise auf diese Fehlfunktionen, zeitweise hatte es den Anschein, als ob diese behoben wären. Die unangenehme Überraschung, daß es dann doch wieder auf Warten und Unsicherheit hinausläuft, macht den Steem momentan zu einem unerfreulichen Ort. Ich werde diesbezüglich täglich mit mehreren Anfragen und Beschwerden konfrontiert - und fühle mich einmal mehr hilflos, da es keine validen Informationen dazu gibt.

Falls gerade am System gearbeitet wird: operiert Ihr ernsthaft am offenen Herzen?? Ich dachte, so als unbedarfter Laie, daß man für Programmierungs- und Wartungsarbeiten eine Art Dummy verwendet... Und dann das fertige Endprodukt einspielt, wenn es funktioniert. Aber was weiß ich schon...

Seid Ihr jetzt alle wach? Dann habe ich noch etwas auf dem Herzen...: lest Euch 'mal bitte den Post von @wakeupkitty.pal durch - sie beschreibt die gleichen Beobachtungen und Eindrücke, die ich selber so oft reklamiere. Vielleicht dringen ihre Worte besser durch:

Das bringt mich wieder zu den SR's, die in den letzten Wochen bereits abgedankt haben und zu der Frage, ob wir verbleibenden weiterhin so tun wollen, als ob wir Wunder vollbringen...

Das tun wir nicht. Ich für meinen Teil bin, wie Ihr es von mir gewohnt seid, als Autor zu verschiedenen Themen mit eigenen Beiträgen aktiv. Außerdem - oder eigentlich hauptsächlich - schätze ich die intensive Kommunikation mit Steem-Freunden in aller Welt. Ich kuratiere regelmäßig mit meinem privaten Account und den Community und Charity Accounts der Dream Steem Community.


Dort läuft natürlich auch alles wie immer - unser permanenter "Schlüsselwort der Woche"-Wettbewerb erfreut sich gleichbleibender Beliebtheit. Was aber viel wichtiger ist: ich konnte heute @soulfuldreamer als neue Moderatorin in unserem Team begrüßen und freue mich sehr auf eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit! Ihre Art, sich auf Menschen und ihre Gedankenwelt einzulassen, paßt hervorragend zu dem, was ich mir für unsere Community - und den Steem insgesamt - vorstelle... Ein frischer Wind ;-))

Abschließend sei noch bemerkt, daß ich begeistert bin vom Erfolg der Initiative von @the-gorilla, der jetzt ganz enthusiastisch an die Modernisierung des Steemit Interfaces herangeht und dem ich alles erdenklich Gute für das ambitionierte Projekt wünsche! Vielleicht ist das ja ein weiterer frischer Wind. Veränderung. Fortschritt.

Laßt uns bitte diesen Impuls gemeinsam aufgreifen und nicht in etwas Unbefriedigendem verharren!

Euer @weisser-rabe

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I am not sure if my post will make any difference (read the answer of the community).
If you ask me long(er) texts are not read at all but I hope someone who concerns it will deal with it.

Just like @sbamsoneu I blamed my internet connection (slow, unstable, off) for written content being lost, comments not shown and indeed votings not shown which makes me hit the button twice if not three times and keep writing comments.
It's frustrating, takes way more time but I'm glad @blessedlife and some others told me it happens to everyone and is a Steemit-thing, an issue that occurs since a few weeks.

I noticed notifications aren't shown or show up hours later and if I post and forgot to add a tag or one of those .... rules it takes in average 1 hour before my post shows and I can edit. It may be clear that in the meanwhile the link left on X is dead and so it the X link.

It sounds to me as if the surfer can't handle the "traffic" and at certain times of the day it's worse. At 5 a.m. it works better than from 5 p.m. on or are certain parts of the world simply kicked off the network?

Like said I hope these problems will be solved preferable yesterday then next week. I can imagine how frustrating it is to be a SR under these circumstances.

With you I agree there are plenty of good writers and I even read them but they are abandoned by most communities because they do not join the club or had it with the endless list of diaries and Q&As. I have strong doubts this is what people like to read about.

I hope those small communities for those who care about words, no matter if it's a long story, a 5 minute freewrite to fight a writer's block or a mindblowing haiku of 10 words will continue writing and reach out and bond with all those artists of the written word.

Feel free to tag me, I love to read you.

Dear @soulfuldreamer it's good to have a great person like you around.
I wish you and everyone else all the best.


I became aware of your five-minute freewrite very early ... @philosoph103 had invited me back then, I think. But - I'm just not good at being brief! And I admit - I read everything two to twelve more times before I think it's good enough... ;-))

I write am a fast writer even on my phone but I do edit which eats most of my time. 5 minute write can be up to 1 hour editing, picture, and so on. If it comes to longer texts it's even more time consuming and hard using a phone.

Dear soulfuldreamer it's good to have a great person like you around.

Thank you for your kind words. Means a lot :)

It is really frustrating the behavior of the platform in the last few days. - Sometimes it happened to me that when I gave votes with sc07 to publications that had low rewards and of course from other sc0x all the votes that the post already had appeared causing votes to be repeated in the same publication.

This also happened with several colleagues who are also curators, so this work has been hindered as a result of these failures.

It also happened that @anailuj1992 received a vote of sc02 3 times in the same publication! This happened on different days, so a lot of voting power was lost there.

I would like to know if anyone is really working on repairing/optimizing Steemit's services so that we can give people a more timely response.

Greetings to you! It is important to mention the problems.

Yes... I could add to the list. However, the circumstances should be sufficiently well known - and slowly provoke a statement. I thought ;-((

One of the functions, so to speak, of the representatives is to maintain a pleasant atmosphere on the platform, if someone presents a concern, or if there is an alert or problem, the representatives must be attentive to support, either to solve or to call the Calm down, you don't need to do miracles for this.

The work of developers is not easy, knowing that there is currently a deficit, every day they look for a way to optimize the operation of the platform, therefore, we must call for calm and continue interacting as always, we will surely have it soon. a solution to the current problem.

Let's give the best energy to our friend @the-gorilla so that he can be successful in his modernization work.

Of course I totally agree! But a minimum of information would be helpful. Someone with concerns can't calm down when he or she knows, we have no plan ourselves...

And the way @soulfuldreamer writes, I suggested her post in my latest weekly curation report. I am sure she is gonna be one soul full of new ideas for your community.

As far as SR's role, I keep scratching my head and feel that they should have a wider role to play on this platform. They should have more ways to support neglected authors.

We need more authors like @wakeupkitty, @soulfuldreamer and @patjewell

Thank you!

All that I can say is that I give it my best, as SR, admin, moderator, curator, and author.
More I cannot do.

Yes, you do as admin, moderator, and curator, you do your best but here my comment is about SRs.
Thanks for all the help!

We HAVE such authors on Steem. But - they don't fulfill the famous rules and expectations... That became more important than the ability to write good blogs...

Judging by the mood, everything looks like the twenty-third week of binge drinking)))) where is the optimism????))))) Routine absorbs and does not allow itself to be seen, shake-ups are necessary for the development and renewal of point of view. Life does not stand still, the platform is developing - you need to be happy. If everything is dull, then there are fewer reasons for joy, but this depends on us too))) Let's remember the old posts, where there is less routine and more optimism and Faith in what will be better. What changed? People come and go, we stay and either go with the flow or splash in the water, scattering fountains of splashes that turn into a rainbow))))

My optimist! Your confidence is probably very useful right now... So I'll have a look to see if I can find a piece of it ;-))

Hi there,

You represent a nice weekly report as SR

Off topic: Can I reach you personally in discord please? Its urgent, thank you!

My discord is: SHOHANA#7389

Good morning! Of course - I've send you a request ;-)) But - I'm not online during the day...

Ok dear, dm me whenever possible

Not possible - I've sent you a friends request. You must accept first; we don't use common servers. Or you write to me:

weisserrabe (weisser-rabe#4490)

Publications appear hours late in the display, regardless of whether they are posts or comments.

Do you know when this was happening to me, I was it was the fault of my network service provider showing their bad character… I had no idea it was an issue from steemit..

Thanks for this update..

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