What does Today mean to you?

in hive-166850 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hi everyone~ Nice to meet
you guies in #CCC community :)

I would like to post again as
#CCC @freedomshift's request.

Here below, It is about "What does
Today mean to you?"

There is very famous korean poet
who I admire the most.

he said in 'the new road'

Over the stream into the woods,
Over the hill into the village.

I traveled yesterday and I will
today also;
My road is forever new.

On my road dandelions bloom,
magpies fly.
a lady passess by, and the wind blows;

My road is forever new
today and tomorrow

Over the stream into the woods,
Over the hill into the village.

  • the end -

For me every today is the road that
the great poet 'Dongjoo, Yoon' said.

It is forever new 'today' that I am
trevelling everyday newly with full
of hopeful dreams.

Even though there is a repetitive routine
when came yesterday, come today,
will come tommorow,
I will make 'My today' all new flower path
like the photo below.

Korean version

<좋은 아침입니다~
오늘은 월요일입니다!>

내가 가장 존경하는 매우 유명한
한국 시인이 있다.

그는 '새로운 길'에서 말했다.

내를 건너서 숲으로
고개를 넘어서 마을로

어제도 가고 오늘도 갈
나의 길 새로운 길

민들레가 피고 까치가 날고
아가씨가 지나고 바람이 일고
나의 길은 언제나 새로운 길

오늘도… 내일도…
내를 건너서 숲으로
고개를 넘어서 마을로


나에게 오늘 하루하루가 바로 그 길이다.
위대한 시인 '윤동주'가 말했다.

그것은 내가 매일 희망적인 꿈으로 가득
차서 새롭게 여행하는 영원한 새로운

어제 왔고, 오늘 오고, 내일도 오는 반복되는
일상이 있더라도
나의 오늘을 아래 사진처럼 새로운 꽃길로
만들 것이다.


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cc. @freedomshift

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You site a poet and even your entry looks like a poet.
Wise words and I welcome to CCC.
I wish you all the best. ❤️🍀

Thank you so mich~
nice to meet you:)
See you again~

Nice to meet you too. I wish you good luck.

See my other comment - hence I am upvoting your comment here instead.

Great you join this contest. We wish you a great Eastern weekend.
Greetings @team-ccc


I am also happy to join
this #CCC community's contest.

thank you so much:)

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thank you very much~
have a nice day:)