Contest: What does CCC mean to you? 3.09

in hive-166850 •  5 years ago 
This is what CCC mean to me.
language HAUSA


Coronavirus wata cutace da take da matukar wuyar shaani a sassan duniya, ta jawa mutane asarar dukiyoyi miliyoyin kudin alumma sun salwanta ta dalilin wannan muguwar cuta.

wannan cutadai ta corona ta bullone daga yankin china, inda suka rude matuqa wajen shawo kanta, amma ina abun yaci tura amma
saidai sunyi kokarin magance abinda yake haifar da kamuwa da wannan cuta ta corona ta hanyar killace kawunansu da kuma saka dokar hana zirga zirga wato "lock-down" a turance domin suna ganin hakan shine mafita wajen samun sauqi da waraka a kan wannan cuta.

Ba a jimaba wannan cuta ta fara yaduwa tana zagaya yankuna yanjuna kuma mutane suna ta kamuwa da ita domin baa san cewa ita tana da matukar karfi wajen yadata a sassan dunuya.

wasu sun banda shawarar cewa yin amfani da takunkumin baki wata "face marks" a turance da kuma ruwan "sanitizer" zan iya bada gudun mawa wajen kashe kwayoyin cutar Corona.

Wannan cuta tana da karfi sosai wajen yaduwa domin mutun yakan kamu da ita ta hanyar tari, ko atishawa a kusa da dan uwansa matukar bai sami wani tazara a tsakaninsu wanda zai iya kareshi daga wannan tarin ba, wannan shine suka ga ya dace a bullo da ta tazara tsakanin al'umma wanda suke kira "social distances".

@exercutioner from nigeria.

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Welcome to CCC!

As far as I know there are two ways to infect someone:

  1. By sneezing/coughing/speaking/laughing/exchange of body fluid. Since it's found in blood and sperm, likely sweat too it's not said these are ways to infect someone else.
  2. By the air, aerosoles inside live long and it looks like this is the most dangerous one. One person with way too much virus infects many. This person is not ill by the way.

The only way to avoid is stay away from people, ventilate your house very well.

this is true, we need to stay away.


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thank you so much for that

Welcome to our community.
For sure the pandemic will come to an end like happened with each disease.
Take good care of yourself.

You have #3


i will, and you too, thank u.

Welcome to the community.
You have to protect yourself with the appropriate separation and use the face masks and hand washing continuously.
This pandemic has come and will stay for a long time.

i will, because , we dont have other option than to follow the rules from medical practioner

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