Work hard, they said

in hive-166850 •  3 years ago 

Life is a combination of working, sleeping, eating and...
That is the bottleneck. It just depends on which generation you are. The older ones have to be useful, often always busy because that is how they were brought up. The next generations learn to relax. That is often not easy. Those who have been brought up with the idea that hard work pays off, 'Arbeit Macht Frei, will be disappointed today. There is more to life than work alone, and when I look around me I see that work often does not pay off. Just like work, saving does not pay off anymore. My mother saved for me and I too do not spend my entire income. Will savings still be worthwhile or will they be taken away by the state? Almost all countries in the world are now working on their own Central Bank Digital Coin. I wonder what I can look back on when I have had to live frugally, have only worked and have no memories of nice things (apart from the fact that you forget a lot) but also have nothing left to look forward to. The generation after me learned to have fun and go out. The next generation can't do much anymore. Their lives consist of living from one lockdown to the next. How sad that is.

dream-big-work-hard-g61ac1bef0_1920.jpga pointless phrase today

Host contest: @wakeupkitty



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I think I understand what you are writing. I worked hard all my life. I'm not complaining about what I got. I enjoyed while I worked and I feel better because today the economy is devastated in my country.
I can only think that I will go out in the near future to visit other countries, God willing.

I hope you can travel and visit the countries you like. I'm not sure if that will ever happen but you never know.

That's how it is, you never know, but I must not stop dreaming because it can happen.

Totally agree. If you think about it norms, values change wothout us noticing it.
Always sent to school, went to work sick or not. If you didn't show up it was a crime. Today it is if you cough, sneeze and cover your mouth with your hand and go to school or your work even if there aren't symptoms.. 🍀💖