in hive-166850 •  3 years ago 


Greetings to everyone. We are once more very excited to join the platform after a very long time of the break. As the charitable organization that we are, we had too much engagement on the field and it required huge financial needs and we had to get to work so as to make ends meet. we are back in full gear and we are ready and willing to touch and transform lives through our write-ups.

Today we shall touch on quality relationships. The types of relationship one has to make and keep in other to live a happy life.


So many people do not have the kind of relationship that is intentionally built, many of us build circumstantial relationships. I will love to let us know that relationships are very important to one's life and could be considered as a currency.

They are three level of relationships we encounter in our lives:


These are people you meet on a daily, when we go out to accomplish our daily activities, we meet people for the first time whom we may never meet again, in the course of the daily transactions we engage in a relationship with these people. The lord mandates us to love these people.


Seasonal relationships are relationships you make with people maybe because you meet in a school as school or classmate, for example, the are many other institutions where you may not last for long and you make a relationship with some people. These relationships may die off when you leave the school, class, or institution and can no longer meet with these people.


These are the people who believe in what you believe and are ready to stand with you during the thick and thin period of your life. These are the people whom you can call in times of trouble and they will answer your call.

We are not here to make you find such a relationship, rather you should be this kind of person to your friends, the type that will stand with your friends and love ones during bad and good days.

Anybody who keeps sycophants as friends is in great danger, these are people who will come to you because of your money, position in society, title, etc. We should remember that men are intrinsically selfish. We should learn to be good friends.

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After you read this post, you have to edit your relationship. You should not classify people the same in your life, there are people who at your call will do everything just to make sure you are fine, so they can,t be classified the same as those who just come around to benefit.

Remember that even Jesus Christ while on Earth had many people who followed him, even those he healed like the woman with the issue of blood, and his friend Lazarus abandoned Jesus when he was about to be killed. Many people will come to you just to benefit while the days are good and abandon you during the bad days.

So you all have to check your friend list and choose 5 people who are really friends that will stand with you in times of trouble. If after checking and you can't find that friend, you have to pray for the grace to make relationships that could be priceless, that relationship that after you have left the Earth, your children will not suffer because you have very good friends who genuinely loved you.

Once more, good relationships are currencies because they can pay what money can pay. They are things you get because of a relationship which you could not afford the money to pay for, Invest in a good relationship.


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Waouh😅 i never knew so many toes of relationships exist ohhh😂 i love destiny relationship building. That's the best for me

Nice post yeesha! A destiny or covenant relationship is something interesting, I wish that I may also have like that someday. I guess it is like having a promise of two persons together and must be nice to have a family someday. And the family will go to church on Sundays and go to a good as school as well. And become good citizens guys.