immediate energy to the body, while the presence of fiber

in hive-166917 •  2 months ago 

Health Benefits of Eating 3 Dates Daily

Dates, a nutrient-rich dry fruit, are the only foods that contain almost all the vitamins and minerals required for good health.
Dates have been cultivated since several thousand years BC, hundreds of varieties of dates are found all over the world including Pakistan.
While numerous benefits of eating dates are mentioned in Islamic teachings, science has also proved these benefits.
Dates are rich in fiber, protein, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamin B6 which are essential for health.
According to nutritionists and medical experts, if three dates are eaten on a daily basis, it has numerous health benefits, out of which 7 are mentioned below.
Reduces the risk of cancer:
According to a new study, the daily habit of eating dates protects digestion.
In addition, eating three dates daily reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the stomach and increases the growth of beneficial bacteria, which reduces the risk of colon cancer.
Stay fit for long:
Nutritionists say that the sugar and glucose present in dates provide immediate energy to the body, while the presence of fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamins and antioxidants in it increases physical energy and helps to maintain it.

The followers of Gautama Buddha in Tibet believe that the feelings of "compassion" and "love" for others and the practical expression of these feelings are the cure for many ailments - the true source of man's sure and ultimate happiness.
The need for the emotions of "compassion" and "love" is at the very core of our being—unfortunately, "compassion" and "love" have long been banished from many practical fields of our social lives. has been excluded - it is seen that people in their domestic lives; Shows "sympathy" and "love" with his wife, children, relatives and close friends, but practically in public life outside his home; "Sympathy" and "love" remain completely shunned - this is today's grave social tragedy! It is the cause of social cruelty and human restlessness -
Today it seems unrealistic for people to treat others with "compassion" and "love", whereas this is the very necessary attitude, which every soul needs, "compassion" and "love" for a prosperous and happy human being. Among the most important necessities of life are -
The basis of good and pleasant relations with people lies in compassion and forgiveness - forgiving what others say; The most effective way to avoid arguing with them and repeating them is - if today's human being acts with compassion, every human conflict can end - a compassionate person is full of positive energy, determination, kindness and compassion. Stores - A mind with "compassion" and "love", gives rise to many endearing human qualities - eg; Patience and Endurance central strength, firmness, confidence to prevail over others in situations of insecurity - such a compassionate, positive and constructive mind turns every bad situation into a beneficial situation -
So we should not limit our "compassion" and "love" to our family and friends - and compassion only; It should not be the responsibility of religious leaders, doctors or social workers, but it should be the responsibility of people from every field.
We see that today every human being wants to be happy, sadness and worry are not good for anyone; One relation of human happiness is with the human body and the other is with the human mind - despite the physical comfort (good food, clothing, housing, rides) if a person is not mentally happy; Rather, he is immersed in the deep seas of despair, grief, anxiety, and vexation, so that even physical happiness remains completely hatched and meaningless in front of him - as if perfect human happiness depends on man being mentally satisfied and happy.

Health Benefits of Eating 3 Dates Daily

Dates, a nutrient-rich dry fruit, are the only foods that contain almost all the vitamins and minerals required for good health.
Dates have been cultivated since several thousand years BC, hundreds of varieties of dates are found all over the world including Pakistan.
While numerous benefits of eating dates are mentioned in Islamic teachings, science has also proved these benefits.
Dates are rich in fiber, protein, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamin B6 which are essential for health.
According to nutritionists and medical experts, if three dates are eaten on a daily basis, it has numerous health benefits, out of which 7 are mentioned below.
Reduces the risk of cancer:
According to a new study, the daily habit of eating dates protects digestion.
In addition, eating three dates daily reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the stomach and increases the growth of beneficial bacteria, which reduces the risk of colon cancer.
Stay fit for long:
Nutritionists say that the sugar and glucose present in dates provide immediate energy to the body, while the presence of fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamins and antioxidants in it increases physical energy and helps to maintain it.

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