The race in which they lose themselves.

in hive-166917 •  3 months ago 

When the lion cubs are playing in the grasslands of Africa, the baby lion gnaws its teeth on the body of the big lion while playing. Then if you observe a big tiger, it roars in pain. The baby lion is happy. What do you think the small teeth of this child can hurt the strong fur of this big tiger?
The answer is absolutely not. Then why does the lion roar in such pain? His answer is to make this little lion believe that his claws and jaws have so much power that he can make the screams of a lion that the whole forest is afraid of. With this confidence tomorrow, when this baby lion grows up, big herds will be running away from its fear.
We nurture our children but often take away their confidence. Our education system also weakens the confidence of children. For example, in our school, a teacher asks the students to write an essay, then he checks the essay and sees which student has written the one according to the teacher's request. He gives good marks and he gives low marks to those who did not fulfill the teacher's demand.
The Finnish teacher while in the essay only checks where my student's thinking is. He notes the lack of thinking of his students but does not give a mark to any student. The teacher there is making the student, our teacher is weighing him on his own thinking. Those who do not meet this scale are failed and their confidence is crushed.
Parents do the same thing. The family does the same thing. Children spend their whole lives in a race to meet the standards of others. The race in which they lose themselves. Even the winner of this race is not happy and we do not give the right to be happy to the loser. Sometimes it seems that the lions of the grasslands of Africa give their children better training and upbringing than us. Although they are animals
There is trust in them.

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