Spider-Man 2: Why It Is One Of The Best Superhero Movies

in hive-166960 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Nowadays it is normal to say that movies of the superhero genre like Avengers: Endgame or Spiderman Far From Home are at the top, but this is a big lie. It is to superimpose the emotion and hype of the moment, on the cinematographic value that they really need.

Today the internet and more specifically Facebook groups are full of deciding which is the best movie in this genre. And, without a doubt, one of the most named movies on these types of sites is the, so memorable: Spiderman 2.

But is it really that good, or did the producers pay to praise this movie?


At the time, the decision to place Sam Raimi as director of Spiderman was supposed to be a somewhat strange and half choice.

On the one hand, he was a director who was not as renowned. He had directed not so well known films and on a somewhat poor budget, to tell the truth. But on the other, Raimi was a big fan of Spiderman, and owned a large collection of comics. It was not someone who hardly knew anything about his main character or his story, when it came to adapting, but a big fan of it. Raimi was highly acclaimed for the first Spiderman film, for how well it was received, so he was preparing to make its sequel. And that they say that the second parts are not good.

With this, Raimi with his experience in the subject of superheroes, got down to work. The strength of the original Spiderman trilogy was that, as a director, you had someone who valued film value more than financial value, that speaks volumes.

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This film introduces us to the successful life of Spiderman; but, at the same time, the failure of Peter Parker. He had his aunt almost kicked out of the house, the woman he loved was leaving with another, his best friend was angry with him, let's add that he was fired and had trouble paying the rent, empathy and connection with the viewer is very large.


And with all that, the introduction of an imposing villain like Doctor Ock by the hand of an independent actor like Alfred Molina, which constitutes a construction worth admiring, and an idea of ​​the true responsibility that comes with acquiring power. They even connect her directly to her previous film, and questions the advice Uncle Ben gave Peter. Is it good to continue being Spiderman?, all that pessimism, and a dark and gloomy scene, is very well balanced with the fluid humor that Raimi knew how to give him.


One of the strengths of this sequel are its sequences, and its shots, which lead us to think that it really is a comic. Scenes such as the creation of the doctor, the bank robbery or Peter trying to get to the play of Mary Jane are so well carried out of rhythm that we get completely into the mind of Spiderman.


And another legendary and memorable scene that anyone remembers is the epic fight with the Doctor on the train. What child does not remember it. This is basically the best fight Spider-Man has had in all of his movies, including later versions like Andrew Garlfield and Tom Holland. Perhaps many remember the fluidity of the entire sequence, so good that it seemed like an excellently rehearsed choreography. This in itself creates a genuine attraction to continue seeing until the end of the scene.

In addition to the previous one, another well remembered is when the Doctor's mechanical arms would be cut. This scene is based on the horror film Evil Dead, also directed by Raimi, he did this as a tribute to the other works of the genre and incorporated the chainsaw as a reference to the protagonist of his film.


Whoever would have thought that the musician who composed Tim Burton's legendary Batman soundtrack would stand out with Spiderman, and he did. Until today there is no theme that exceeds what composed this film, at least in the genre.

The subject is so familiar in a short time that anyone could recognize which character it belongs to in the cinema. It is a song that is well remembered for the emotion it conveys in the moment. In this type of comic adaptation, although it may not seem like it, music is very important. The themes may even be more important than the character itself, because it gives it its own identity.


You do not have to be an avid connoisseur of cinema to praise what Raimi did with this film, and there is no reason to fight over what could be the best of the genre. Mentioning films like The Dark Knight or Winter Soldier is laudable. But trying to put movies in this category that are worth more for their expensive production, and the advertising in them, is not only being wrong, but also being very fanatical.

It is for this and many more reasons that Spiderman 2 is one of the best superhero movies in the cinema, and of course the best of the character. Maybe it would be the best if there weren't tapes as good as this one, but it is a fact that currently you will hardly see something as memorable as this film is.

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I have watched the movie, but if I hadn't read your review, I wouldn't have remember any single thing about it. I often find Spider-Man hard to digest, because of his mood swings, and sometimes he feels close to being depressed. But, I also enjoy his great jokes. He has never managed to become a favorite super-hero character of mine (that is Thor), but all in all, he is doing a great job still! For some reason, I have enjoyed the more recent Spider-Man movies more than the previous series.

The latest Spiderman movies have been good, but not as deep and meaningful to the character as the first 2, is that the Spiderman movies were really a big push for Marvel to enter the cinema. The latest Spiderman movies were heavily influenced by the originals, in Far From Home, for example, the responsibility of being 2 people at the same time is explored, the same as this movie, but although it is good, in most cases many scenes serve as an excuse to show action again. Thank you for sharing your opinion, we all have different thoughts and personal experiences, that is why it is so interesting to talk about these works.

By the way, I guess it was a coincidence, but next time, try not to publish the full article in bold... :)

I loved Sam Raimi as a director of these films but this might have a lot to do with the fact that I absolutely love how he insists that his pal (and one of my all-time favorite actors) Bruce Campbell have a role in all that he directs and the inclusion of the famous Oldsmobile Delta always makes me laugh.

I preferred this series of Spiderman films over the newer ones and I even liked the one that featured Sandman, even though it was ripped to pieces by the press.

Yes, the truth is that the first trilogy was the one that most marked the character in the cinema, more with the seriousness that Raimi gave him. Although Tom Holland also does a great job to give it its particularity. Thanks for comment.