The remake of the Equalizer tv series is one of the greatest crime dramas I've saw. CBS made a perfect choice making Queen Latifah the star of a crime drama series. The shootout scene in the Set It Off film showed her qualifications. On the Equalizer, she has a lair where she does virtual investigations from her computers like Batman's Bat Cave. She rides a motorcycle and keeps a low profile toward her clients like Batman does.
When necessary she tortures confessions out of suspects like Hank Voight. There was an episode where she tied this man up and placed his feet in a pan of water that was heating on top of a propane burner. She was going to gradually scald him to the point of death just to get him to confess.
Her daughter found her secret hiding place where she stores her weapons and spy gadgets. In the cliffhanger of season one's finale, she was confronted by her daughter demanding an explanation about her secret life. What would you tell your child if they found out that you're a freelance CIA agent? I can't wait to see that on October 10th.