I could finally start writing this post and since I finished watching the last episode of the 3rd season of The Boys, I have been sick with fever, vomiting, headaches and chills. Since Friday of last week, until Monday of last week, I had a very bad time with those discomforts, however, since Tuesday and especially Wednesday of last week I have been feeling much better, but I still wanted to rest a little to feel 100%. But anyway, this post is not to talk about me, but to talk about the best Superhero series of today and obviously it is not any Marvel series, much less DC.
The 3rd season of The Boys, to date is the best of all. The first season was spectacular, the second was pretty good, although not as good as the first, but this third season was too good. Action from beginning to end, moments of tension, deaths, blood, comedy, all this has this spectacular series, which this time takes a much more distant direction to the comics. Already from the beginning, The Boys maintained many differences with its comic counterpart, however, in this 3rd season where those differences come to light much more, and although the writers of the series took certain aspects of the comic and adapted it, it is still a totally different product and this is something I really like, because they knew how to do it very well. Even, with moments that I consider much better than in the comics. Since they add more depth to certain characters and to some moments that in the comics were not deepened or not given enough importance, so, I consider that a "filler", quite good and acceptable.
In this season we meet a new character: Soldier Boy, who will be the key to defeat Homelander, who in this season is unleashed since he doesn't really care much since the death of Stormfront. Homelander takes on a much more pronounced villainous role and takes total control of the Vought. So Butcher in such a situation, he has no choice but to have the help of Soldier Boy to defeat Homelander, in addition, he commits one of the most contradictory acts for this character and which is to consume the temporary compound V, which, as its name suggests, temporarily gives him superpowers, something that Butcher has always fought for: Superheroes, but the situation is so out of control and desperation to defeat Homelander once and for all is so great that he has to resort to such an act. Hughie, also consumes this temporary compound, giving him teleportation powers and a little superhuman strength, although not as much as the ability that gives Butcher, which are very similar to those of Homelander, but is not as strong as him, however, using this temporary compound V, little by little is killing them, having a deadly effect on Butchet at the end of this season, which surely will develop much more in the next season.

I must highlight the performances of Butcher and Homelander. Karl Urban and Antony Starr, respectively, manage to play spectacular roles for each of their characters, being these two (Butcher as Karl Urban and Antony Starr as Homelander), the characters that stand out the most during the whole season. Although in general everyone offers a more than good role in this third season, I must also highlight the performance of Mother's Milk (Laz Alonso), whose trauma for the tragic death of his relatives at the hands of Soldier Boy, is something to remember. I really have no complaints about this season, as I found it to be one of the best and every episode was entertaining from beginning to end. Besides the fact that everything is already being prepared for the end of this series. I'm not sure if this series will make it to a 5th season, I think it can all end in a 4th season and I would be satisfied. Undoubtedly The Boys is a series that is not afraid to show the corrupt and bad side of superheroes. A transgressive series that every superhero fan should watch.