Things Heard And Seen- A review

in hive-166960 •  4 years ago  (edited)

This is my first post in this group. I have been writing at Steemit- off and on- mostly off- for last 2-3 years. This time I want to make my writing more sustainable. So I do hope you will see my posts more regularly, now-on-wards. Would love to hear your opinion on my work.

I always wanted to be a film-critic- too much fun as a job- but my parents!! The same old-Indian story, had to choose science. But thanks to the growing internet and technology - I can now write and in the process earn few Steem's or TRX

Enough about self, let us come to the review now.

Things Heard And Seen

Screenshot from 2021-05-30 13-25-03.png

Written and directed by the Writer & Director Couple: Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer Berman, Things Heard and Seen is a horror movie, revolving around the life of George (James Norton) a Professor and his wife Cathrine Clare ( Amanda Seyfried) an art restorer. It is based on the the book All things cease to appear by Elizabeth Brundage.

At the centre of the story is an old- creaky house- with a past. The movie starts with George entering the house in his car, only to find blood dripping on him from the floor above. He sees his daughter Franny playing alone in the living room- he picks her up in his arms- and run- run outside.

The remainder story runs as flash-back, and in some cases flash-back within flashback. More than a ghost story, I would say it is a story of failed marital relationship. Catherine who has to sacrifice her career as an art restorer- the pain of her sacrifice. The insecurity of George- his lies. Both looking for attention outside the marriage.

The horror, the mystery and the grip on the story is beautifully handled by Floyd DeBeers, head of the department . The character is played by none other than Murray Abraham. His facial expressions, his eyes- as if saying I have seen many stories. keeps the viewer hooked.

After carrying through such an intricate story, the movie fails at the end- It leaves many questions unanswered.

So my recommendation- if you want to see a movie to relax- this is not the one. But if you want to see a movie because you enjoy Gothic era, you love mysteries, and you love solving them- then this is a good movie. The end creates more questions than it answers- and you can spend hours later discussing your best end.

Who knows we see a sequel sometime in future.
Screenshot from 2021-05-30 13-25-27.png

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This is one of those things that I started to watch and then got bored in the first 30 minutes and switched it off. Do you think I made a mistake by doing so? Should I go back in and finish it? It is difficult to tell in your review if you are recommending it or not.

The end is not worth- you will feel cheated, unless you like stories with open ends. In between it is good- Gothic view, and definitely after DeBeers meets Catherine, the story becomes exciting.