TS Diary Game (August 2nd, 2024) : Got A Big Pack Chocolate Snack From My Adorable Pupil On Blessed Friday

in hive-167213 •  13 days ago 


”This is for you, Miss. Let’s eat together, Miss. Said my cutie pie pupil before taking a walk to improve our English speaking on blessed Friday

Alhamdulillah today I could Pray after more a week I got period. I got up, relieve myself then took wudhu’ or ablution afterwards had a Dawn Prayer in the praying room.

I continued to recite some Surah in Juz 29 in my Holy Qur'an. Alhamdulillah I almost khatam Holy Qur'an a few days later.

We clean up our big house in early morning manwhile one of our friends were cooking in the kitchen. We got breakfast together then washed our dishes. I taken a shower and get dressed plus wore my lanyard.

This Friday morning I had a schedule to teach my warm-hearted student from Jember City, East Java in my English private class. Today I gave her a lot of vocabs about ”Education”.

My last day to teach my beloved student from Jember City, East Java. Will be missing you, honey

I asked her to make a little story also with those vocabularies. Alhamdulillah she did a great job. Unfortunately this is our last meeting. Yazz owing to the fact that she must be back to her hometown, Jember City, East Java due to the fact that she should follow some of event in her new college. Yeah, she just register in one of universities in Jember City, East Java. ”MasyaaAllah, I will be missing you, sweetheart. Please keep your English everywhere you go. You have a great talent, indeed”, I said to my prettiest student.


My stunning student was telling me about the education in her hometown, Jember City, East Java


Teaching my warm-hearted student concerned “Sport Vocabs & Daily Activities” on Friday noon

Several hours later I teach my others student from one of senior high school in Madiun City, East Java. Today I teach her about some of sport vocabs and daily activities such as go for a walk, go to the playground, go cycling, go to the drama club, watch quiz show, surf the net, play basketball & work on the garden. I asked her to make a small talks about those phrases and remind her to tell about how long that spend her time to do some of activities like that. I gave her the special formula about ”Go + Ving”. I meant after go usually if we found verb in front of it, so we have to add “ing” on that verb. Alhamdulillah she could get the point of my explaination.

I continued to teach my two kiddos, I meant my adorable pupils. There a prettiest girl & a sweet boy. Like our habitual actions, after opening our class with Basmallah and a little du’a, I brush up about our last lessons approximately a week ago.

Today I gave them some vocabs about *”School Vocabs Part II” such as marker, whiteboard, cupboard, picture, lamp, trash, trash bin, school yard, canteen, office, headmaster or principal, tree and so on.

I asked them to have a small talks about their school by using those vocabularies. All the praise only for Yaa Rahim, my lovely pupils were on the cloud nine to answer all of my questions with their highest spirit even if they were just back from their school. Bravo sweethearts.


Our topic today concerned about “School Vocabs Part II"


My active students were telling the story about their school by using “School Vocabs Part II” what is I gave last minutes ago

I had full schedule furthermore non-stop today. Ba’da Pray Ashar, I had class again to teach my little angel, I meant my adorable pupil in my English private class. I gave her some phrases about “Daily Activities”.

However he frequently gave me a lot of surprises when I want to open my class. *”Tadaaa, I have surprise for you, Miss. Please take it a big pack of Beng-Beng Maxx Chocolate. Let’s eat together after studying, Miss”, told my kind-hearted pupil. MasyaaAllah... It definitely made me melting.


”This is for you, Miss. Let’s eat together, Miss. Said my cutie pie pupil before taking a walk to improve our English speaking on blessed Friday

In the evening finished teaching my multi talented student in my English private class, I changed my dress and drank a lot of water. I was extremely thirsty. I washed my hand with the handwash on the sink & took a plate. I was starving.


Shopping at Samudera Swalayan - Madiun what3words.com at Pahlawan Centre Street, Pangongangan, Madiun City, East Java with my pretty friend

After Praying Maghrib, I recited my Holy Qur'an. I changed my dress and wore my zumba wear. My friend wants to follow me in my zumba dance class in The Studio Lawu Plaza Madiun what3words.com at Pahlawan Street, Kartoharjo, Madiun City, East Java. When we were riding our motorcycle approximately 5 minutes, suddenly was downpour plus hard wind. No doubt, all of our zumba wears are wet. However we still continue to go zumba dance class inasmuch as we need to do sports for this month. We went shopping to Samudera Swalayan - Madiun what3words.com at Pahlawan Centre Street, Pangongangan, Madiun City, East Java.

Finished typing on my laptop, I switch on our air conditioner, put a little hand & body lotion on my body. I put a little moisturizer by Skintific then wipe it smoothtly on my face.

I wore my socks, recited TriQul, made a little du’a & made an island on my pillow. I am sick to my bolster, ”ZzzzzZZzzz”.

I am going to invite my pretty ladies Mrs. @ibraheem75 @memamun @ifatniza @watii @nsijoro joined this lovely teachers & students diary game.

I highly appreciate to my brothers @miftahulrizky @lil.albab @myteacher & @simonnwigwe for making lovely community especially for the teachers & students 💖🥰.

Warm regards,


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What a lovely write up!😊
I can see deep connections between you and your learners,
Nice One 😊
Thank you so much for the invite and best wishes dear friend 🙏.

Alhamdulillah, a massive thank you for your lovely comments, my friend 😊
Yazz definitely, I tired my best to build deep connections with my lovely students every single day 🥰

My pleasure
Wish you lots of luck, my friend 😇

  ·  13 days ago (edited)

Alhamdulillah terimakasih ibu sudah mengundang saya di kontes yang bagus dan bermanfaat ini, insyaallah saya akan mengikutinya

Alhamdulillah, sama-sama Bu 🥰💝
Semoga sukses yak Bu 🥳

Aamiin, terimakasih Bu 🙏

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  • Mengawali aktifitas pagi dengan membaca Al-Qur'an Insyaallah Allah akan selalu membuat hari-hari kita mendapatkan rahmat dari Allah SWT.

  • Perpisahan memang selalu menyedihkan, tetapi tenanglah sekarang ada video call untuk melepaskan kerinduan.

  • Saya juga pernah menerima kejutan kecil dari anak-anak meskipun nilai hadiahnya tidak seberapa, tentu sekecil apapun perhatian mereka membuat kita merasa bahagia.


"Wow, what a lovely day you've had! From teaching your adorable pupils to shopping and zumba dancing with friends 🏋️‍♀️💃. It's great to see you making the most of your time and sharing it with others. Your positivity is contagious! 👫❤️

I'd love to hear more about your students' stories and what they learned from using "School Vocab Part II" 📚👨‍🏫. And, I'm curious about your zumba dance routine - do you have a favorite move? 💃🕺

As always, it's wonderful to see you appreciate the support of your friends and community members 👥💖. Thank you for inviting me to join in on this lovely teachers & students diary game 📝👫.

Let's keep the conversation going! What's next on your agenda? 💭🎉

P.S. Don't forget to vote for our witness 'xpilar.witness' by visiting https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses. Your support means a lot to us and helps drive growth in the Steem community 🙏💕"