Unlocking the secrets of God: "One of God's best plan for me"

in hive-167213 •  2 months ago  (edited)


Problems, no human being can prevent them from being present in life. It is a necessity, because the nature of life is a test. The most important thing to know is how to deal with a problem that might come your way. Of course there is a sense of sadness, disappointment or anger experienced for the efforts that have been made that lead to failure, but the key is to never despair in the process of going through a problem, because from it there will be lessons that can be taken that become provisions to reap a success at a later time.

I am interested in telling my personal experience in life related to the secrets that have been arranged by God Almighty, maybe it can be illustrated from my career journey since I graduated from college until now, so I'll just start the story.

I have officially graduated from college at the Civil Engineering Department of Syiah Kuala University in 2012, after completing the graduation procession with great joy with several friends in arms, maybe the feeling at that time was similar to what Messi felt when lifting the world cup trophy.

But the next day when I woke up in the morning, showered and then had breakfast, the question that came to mind was "what did I do for today?", so with full confidence I wrote on my Blackberry Messenger status (at that time there was no WhatsApp), the words were "First Day of Unemployment".

I started looking for job vacancies, making application letters to be submitted anywhere possible, ranging from private companies to state-owned enterprises, all of which were on my radar. As a result, in the first year since graduation, I have not passed the recruitment selection for any company.

An unforgettable experience was when I underwent a series of management trainee selection processes at PT Nindya Karya, a state-owned company that is well known for handling a number of large construction projects in Indonesia ranging from buildings, roads and even dams.

At that time after passing the administrative selection, the next stage was to take the psychological test, capitalizing on a lot of experience from participating in previous recruitments in other places, so I was used to facing tests that aim to see a person's character in this work and I was very confident that I would pass this stage.

Furthermore, in the next two weeks the participants who passed took two further tests at once, namely the technical knowledge test and the English language test, again after I finished answering all the questions in the time given for two hours, I felt confident about my answers.

And when the time came, after reading the announcement where my name was listed to take the final test stage which was the interview, I was very excited and prepared myself well in order to succeed in the decisive test. I walked into the room, with my chair placed right in front of the three company managers who would be asking me questions. Nervousness set in, and I had to try to stay calm and focused in order to give the right answers. After spending about 40 minutes in the room, I was let out and they gave me a smile.

Waiting for the final results was always nerve-wracking, two weeks felt like two months, I checked the company's official website regularly. On Sunday, after finishing helping my father open the shop, an SMS came in marked recruitment selection committee, I opened the message with hope, "After conducting a fairly rigorous assessment, management stated that you did not pass the selection, we thank you and wish you success in other opportunities".

Reading that message made my spirit collapse, feeling that all the hard work I had done was in vain, sadness struck, not accepting, why could I fail?, Why didn't God appreciate my hard work?, questions that kept appearing in my heart, a very deep disappointment.

Until the time a friend sent me a messenger message, "Keep trying my friend, God has made other plans for you, there will be a more suitable place, believe me!". A message that slowly awakened me and seemed to give me new strength.

In February 2014, I signed my first employment contract with PT Tigenco Graha Persada in East Jakarta, this company is engaged in soil investigation, which is important to know the level of condition of a soil before construction is carried out, and this is very relevant to my field of expertise, Geotechnics.


The fun journey began, by working for this company I had the opportunity to visit many places that I had never thought of before, because the placement of field work in the company is in accordance with client requests, so thanks to that I have stopped in several districts / cities on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and even to Maluku.

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One year later my contract with my first employer expired, but that was okay, I applied for another company with a similar position, and because I already had experience, I was immediately accepted at PT Tridaya Pamurtya in South Jakarta, which focused on airport development planning work.


I continued to enjoy my work, and in this second company I worked for approximately three years. Until finally I had the courage to make the decision to quit my job and leave the capital city of Jakarta to return to Aceh for family reasons.

In October 2018, I registered to take part in the Civil Servant Candidate selection in Langsa City, Alhamdulillah thanks to the help of sincere prayers from my family, especially my parents and beloved wife, I managed to pass, which was announced right on January 1, 2019.

Now I have worked for five years in the Langsa City Government agency, although the income earned is not as big as when I worked in a private company before, but there is a different sensation of calm that I get because I am close to my family, and that is an extraordinary gift from Allah SWT.


We cannot guess where our life will go, but what is certain is that God Almighty has the best scenario for us, which is far beyond any desire that we consider good for ourselves. Hasn't Allah said that after hardship there will be ease?

Hopefully there is good value that can be taken from my story, and thanks to brother @miftahulrizky for organizing this contest. I also invite @emishael60 @elagusella @sriiza who might have a great story to share.



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sangat tertarik untuk dibaca perjalanan hidup anda, memang benar tidak ada yang tau kedepannya seperti apa hidup kita, itu semua rahasia Ilahi Rabbi

Terimakasih Bu, semoga kita semua senantiasa mendapatkan keberkahan dari Allah SWT

Perjuangan panjang yang berakhir dengan kebahagiaan. Betapa perjuangan keras kita dulu menjadi pedoman bahwa kebahagiaan sekarang tak boleh disia-siakan. Sukses untuk anda

Terimakasih atas kata-kata terbaik Anda..

Sorry brother it was a tough experience back then. I can imagine how you felt after working tiredlessly to make sure you succeed in the company. But then, God knows better. And now, your life have been transform for better. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Thank you my brother,
Every one of us has desires that we think are good for us, but what we never expect is that God's plan is always greater.


Thanks for the support Team 5, my regards to Mr. @radjasalman