SEC | S19W2: Micro Teaching "

in hive-167213 •  2 months ago 

myself in class delivering a lesson

It's yet another amazing opportunity to participate in the S19 W2 of the engagement challenge. Microteaching has been placed before us by the teaching team, and I welcome you to my class. Be blessed as you go through.

Lesson plan
Name of schoolsteemit
Name of teacher@ishayachris
Class size15
Duration20 minutes
Previous knowledgein the last class, the students were taught about force
Instructional materialsElastic spring and rubber band.
Objectivesat the end of the lesson, the students should be able to 1. Define elasticity 2. List some elastic materials 3. Mention the terms associated with elasticity.
Introduction/entry behaviorthe teacher called out 2 of the students giving the spring to one and the rubber band to another. He instructed them to apply a force to the materials while the remaining students observe what happens to the materials as the force is applied and later released. After that, he asked them what they observed.
Presentation step 1the teacher define elasticity as the ability of a material to regain it original shape of form after being deformed by a force.
Students activitythe teacher instructed the students to mention some elastic materials they know
Step 2the teacher mentioned some elastic materials such as spring, plastic ruler, rubber band, and gum
Step 3the teacher listed out the terms associated with elastic materials as 1. Elastic limit 2. Breaking point 3. Stress 4. Strain
Students activitiesthe teacher gave the students room to ask questions on the area they might have been confused
Summarythe teacher summarized the lesson by defining elasticity, listening some elastic materials, and mentioning the terms associated with elasticity.
Conclusionthe teacher concluded the lesson by giving the students an assignment to write short on breaking point, elastic limit, stress, and strain.

That's my lesson plan on the topic, elasticity.

While teaching your students what are the steps you took to ensure they are focused on hearing you, and if for any reason there was a distraction how were you able to tackle the issue?


Having the attention of the students in the course of teaching is very crucial. Without having their attention, understanding will hardly take place. In education, the steps taken to have the attention of the students is what is known as class management. It is one of the skills that a good teacher must possess.

To have the attention of the students, you as a teacher must carry the students along. You allow them to participate actively in the class by asking them questions and also giving them room to ask questions. For example, if you look at my lesson plan, you will understand that the students participated in almost all the stages. I used them to introduce the topic, and I also allowed them to ask and answer questions.

That's the reason why it is advisable to plan a student-centered lesson. In the case of distraction or loss of interest in class, one of the ways to solve it is by cracking jokes. You don't have to be too serious. Make them feel free and play a bit with them before bringing back their attention to the main business.

Recall that you have 20 minutes assigned to you to deliver your lecture or to teach the students, how were you able to manage the time? Share with us how you managed the allocated time.


Interestingly, there is always an allocated time for teaching and learning. To be able to manage our time effectively, one of the things we must take note of is the behavioral objectives. In a situation where you have a few minutes, your objectives must not be much so that you can cover what you planned within the specified time.

Looking at my lesson plan, I made my objectives to be simple and direct because I had only 20 minutes to achieve them. If I'm to break down the time, the introduction and the definition of the elasticity will not take more than 7 minutes. Asking them to mention some elastic materials and giving them other examples requires not more than 5 minutes.

Mentioning some terms associated with elasticity, summarizing the lesson, and giving them a take-home assignment can be achieved in 8 minutes. Those are the things we consider when writing a lesson plan. The duration determines the objectives.

It's great having you read through it. I call on @patjewell, @chant, and @xkool24 to participate.

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Halo ishayachris, melihat anda mengajar sungguh terlihat sangat mudah... Tetapi apakah waktu 20 menit tersebut cukup untuk anda mempersiapkan pembelajaran, walau anak 15 orang, tetapi dari awal mengajar sampai penutup juga butuh proses, apalagi ada petunjuk membuat pekerjaan rumah.

Tapi bahan ajar cuma karet gelang dan rol sungguh bahan pelajaran yang murah, sehingga tidak merepotkan anak.

Looking at the objectives, 20 minutes will be enough. Before setting objectives, you first of all look at the time duration so as not to run out of time without achieving those objectives.

Thank you for the visit.

Teaching elasticity!
That is a nice lesson to plan and give.
I know one thing, those kids are going to have fun with those elastic bands. I know, I would have. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Good luck, and thanks for the invitation.
I have dropped an entry.

Thank you for the kind comments. As a teacher, our priority is for the students to have fun and learn something new.


Hello friend,
I see your lesson plan is very measured and organized. This certainly makes it easier for you to organize the class once the time is up. If I like your steps in providing material in between the time there is good interaction with students. It shows that you are able to control the class well. When students actively participate in learning, your class is successful.

success for this challenge

Thank you so much

luar biasa cara anda mengalihkan perhatian siswa, dengan cara membuat lekucon jadi siswa bisa fokus kembali menyimak pembelajaran.

Hello @ishayachris.

As a teacher who you are, you have in details, explained and written extensively about the about giving a structured lesson plan and how you will execute your teaching in the class.

Your lesson plan is well arranged and you have everything that was given in the main contest post accordingly. Although, I noticed, that there wasn't an Evaluation step/stage in your plan, where you have to ask the learners questions based on what was taught to know if the assimilated the lesson. But it's alright. Maybe the pattern you've used for long has doesn't apply the evaluation step. Good job..

I also commend you for choosing a good topic for the lesson and I hope the students gets to understand the lesson more because of the practical aspects of using elastic to show meanings/actions.

Thanks for sharing....good luck

Captivating the attention of the students is quite expiedient it is a great approach towards class management. It is of a great deal of importance because if you have the kids attention, the mode of teaching becomes easier as every other activity takes shape without stress. Im gladdened to have seen you share of how much elasticity is important. It is clear and concise, the practical approach was superb too. Kudos to you and success in the dynamics.

Saya sangat setuju dengan apa yang anda katakan, guru harus pandai dalam mengelola kelas, karena jika kelas sudah di kelola dengan baik, maka siswa akan mudah menerima pelajaran dari guru, dan saya juga menyukai tulisan anda, anda mengatakan pembelajaran haruslah berpusat kepada siswa, itu sangat benar tepat sekali, guru harus melibatkan siswa dalam setiap kegiatan. Dengan demikian kelas sudah interaktif, ada timbal balik antara guru dengan siswa.
Sukses untuk kontesnya 💪

Saludos amigo
realizaste una Micro clase con una buena planificación en dónde detallas con precisión cada elemento, es muy relevante que experimenten con materiales donde sea palpable el concepto,
Así será un aprendizaje significativo para tus estudiantes muy buena micro clase 👍🏻suerte en el desafío
Saludos y Bendiciones!!!