"SLC | S21W5 : Mini Research for Students"

in hive-167213 •  3 months ago 


Determine the topic of the mini research for your students and why the research needs to be done by the students?

I recently delivered a lecture to my students about phase lead and phase lag at AC circuits so I choose this topic as many research topic for my students!

Topic: Investigating effects of Phase Lead and Phase Lag on AC Circuits

Why this research needs to be done by students

Making research is not for that person who is already a researcher or who always have an idea about a particular topic so as students are in their learning phase that's why it is important for them to be practical not just theoratical.

I think this research was important for students for understanding fundamental concepts of AC theory and most specifically phase lead and phase lag because it was recent topic that they learn properly from me with a pictorial demonstration and illustration;

By conduction of this research students will;

• Be able for development of deep understanding of AC circuits and effect of phase lead and phase lag at behaviour of circuit over all.
• Students will be able to improving their analytical skills when they will analyse diagrams of circuit when they will calculate phase angles and when they interpret results.
• Students will be able to enhance their skills of solving different problems when they will design and test AC circuits by making variations in phase lead and lag conditions.
• Students will be able to apply theoretical concepts in real world problems like in transmission of power and in distribution of systems.
• Last but not least students will be able to research and will be able to make their communication skills more stronger by designing conducting and presenting their findings after mini research.

Formulate a problem or two, then develop some relevant interview questions to answer the problem?

If I will formulet 1 or 2 problems then definitely I will develop these problems related to mini research topic which is effect of phase lead and lag at AC theory so here below I am talking about problems;


Problem 1: Power Factor Correction

This is all about manufacturing of a plant which experience low power factor because of present of inductive loads in its machinery. Here there's an plant electrical engineer which want to improve power factor for reduction of energy loss from utility company but engineer is unsure about best approach for correcting power factor.

Problem 2: Harmonic Distortion

This is problem number 2 in which there is a commercial building where there is harmonic distortion in electrical system because of presence of nonlinear loads like LED lighting and computer equipment. Now building is facilitating manager who wants to solve the problem of harmonic distortion so that he may prevent overheating and damage to electrical equipment. But manager is unsure regarding best approach for solving problem of harmonic distortion.

if I have to develop some of the relevant interview questions for answering these problems then I will develop the questions in the following way;

Problem 1: Power Factor Correction

• Tell me that what can cause low power factor in electrical system
• Tell me that how phase lead and lag can be useful for correction of power factor.
• Discuss the pros and cons of usage of passive and active power factor correction methods.
• Discuss your way of determining minimum to maximum capacitance and inductance for correction of power factor.
• Discuss some of the precautionary measures or some important considerations when you are implementing power factor correction measures.

Problem 2: Harmonic Distortion

• Tell me some of the major causes that can cause harmonic distortion in electrical system?
• Tell me that how lead and lag phase can be useful for getting rid of harmonic disortion problem.
• Discuss some major cross and cons of using passive and active harmonic filtering methodology.
• Share your way of determination of needed filter configuration and values of components for mitigating harmonic distortion.
• Share precautions that you will follow you will implement harmonic distortion mitigation measures.

All these interview questions are really important for assessment of knowledge and experience for addressing issue of power factor collection and harmonic disortion in electrical system.

Assign your students to conduct research using the prepared interview questions and observe every activity the students do, sharing photos and videos during the activity?

if I give an assignment to students for mini research then it will be this;


Research Assignment: Investigation of Phase Lead and Phase Lag in AC Theory


if I talk about main objective then it is conducting are search for investigation of effects of lead and lag phase at ac circuits and identifying solutions in power factor correction and harmonic distortion issues.

Conducting assignment work or research work:

• I divided whole class into group of 3 to 4 Students.
• I used prepared interview questions for guiding the discussion.
• After that I started to observe and document every activity that students were doing in class in mini research process.

Problem 1: Power Factor Correction

• Tell me that what can cause low power factor in electrical system
• Tell me that how phase lead and lag can be useful for correction of power factor.
• Discuss the pros and cons of usage of passive and active power factor correction methods.
• Discuss your way of determining minimum to maximum capacitance and inductance for correction of power factor.
• Discuss some of the precautionary measures or some important considerations when you are implementing power factor correction measures.

Problem 2: Harmonic Distortion

• Tell me some of the major causes that can cause harmonic distortion in electrical system?
• Tell me that how lead and lag phase can be useful for getting rid of harmonic disortion problem.
• Discuss some major cross and cons of using passive and active harmonic filtering methodology.
• Share your way of determination of needed filter configuration and values of components for mitigating harmonic distortion.
• Share precautions that you will follow you will implement harmonic distortion mitigation measures.

My observations during assignment or mini research

• I gave a time of one day so that all students may prepare themselves for this assignment or mini research and everyone was well prepared so I started the activity.
• I maintained a distance between students so that they may show there individual work because for their group work I gave them enough time as it can be seen in the picture now after making discussions they have to show their research and talent individually.
• I asked them to write a report including answers of all questions briefly and summarising the findings they made in this research in maximum 5 and minimum three pages.
• At last I presented a summary of mini research group wise from students in which some of groups performed well and some was lacking in their knowledge also.


How I make gradings

• I count 50% for return report that was submitted by students individually and I gave them 15 minutes extra so total time given to them was one hour and 15 minutes.
• I counted for 30% for their presentation that represented group wise in class upon asking questions from me.
• I give 20% to those students who participated and engaged throughout the learning process as well as at the day of presenting their assignment.
• Average students of class presented with 78% result that was not bad at all as it was their first research work.

Explain and elaborate on any interesting findings that occurred during the research and what are the conclusions of the research results?

If I talk about interesting findings that I observed and what was actually during research then these are follows along with conclusions or outcomes of research process;

Interesting findings

• Most particularly, if I talk about research findings then research on phase lead and lag effect at power factor correction which reveals that both phases are useful for correcting power factor in AC circuits and by making adjustment in phase angle in between voltage and current power factor can be improved ,energy loss can be minimised as well as penalties from utility company can also be minimised so this was interesting to know for students as they conclude it after proper research.
• Second interesting thing was revealing that passive power correction methods are still in use significantly so still active power factor correction methods are present but industries are relying at passive methods like capacitor banks and inductor coils and this is because of simplicity and cost effectiveness that passive methods provide and this was also most interesting thing that students like to know after their research.
• Students also find it very interesting when they know that there's more importance of addressing harmonic distortion in electric systems. With development in uses of non linear loads like LED lighting and computer equipment harmonic distortion is also becoming major concern or challenge.

Conclusions after mini research

• Students told in their written report in a summarised way that by knowing importance to understand phase lead and lag in AC circuits engineers and other technicians can design and help in optimisation of AC circuits for improving power factor and for minimization of energy losses.
• Students conclude that what is significance of power factor correction in minimising energy loss and in improving energy efficiency so by implementation of power correction measures industries can there reduce energy consumption and costs and hence they can become more developed.
• Researchers that were students also highlighted that what is need or requirement of a comprehensive approach for eradication of harmonic distortion in electric systems and how it contains usage of combining passive and active filtering methods as well as for designing electric systems with harmonic distortion elimination.

According to your observations, what are the weaknesses of the students during this research, and what are your steps in developing their analytical skills in the future?

If I talk about my observations that whatever observed throughout this process related to weakness of students I am going to explain along with some of the steps that I can take for development of analytical skills in students in future!


• I find out some students that were only intended to focus at major information or surface level information and they don't tried in best way in going in depth of research topics.
• I find out some of the hard working students that they made struggle in analysing gang interpreting the information but they only show they reliance at memorization of their findings instead of being more focused at critical thinking.


• I find out some of the students who were unable to manage time in proper way that's why they were incomplete in their research.
• I find out some of the students with restricted technical skills that restricted their ability for collecting and analysing information which was research and my demand.
• I find out some of the students confused which were signs of their communication skills and lack of confidence to be effective in their findings.

Steps that I will take for development of analytical skills

If I have to address these weakness is or if I have to develop analytical skills for students in future then I will follow the implementation of different strategies that are below;

• I will try my best to offer students practical workshops and one on one guidance for helping students so that they may develop proper understanding of methodology and research design.
• I will try encouragement of critical thinking and analysis by incorporation of open angle questions and case studies in syllabus or curriculum for promotion of practical work in form of critical thinking and analysis.
• I will focus on implementation of time management and time organisation techniques by providing students with some specific resources and tools which will help them in management of their time in a most effective way like study planners or project managing softwares.
• I will focus in providing training and support for helping students for development of their technical skills like analysis of data software and programming languages.
• I will be focused in fostering communication skills in effective way by motivating my students so that they may present their research findings in concise and accurate way for providing feedback at their communication skills.

if I will address some of these weaknesses and I will improvement some of the techniques 4 development of analytical skills I can say it with confidence that students will be more proficient and next time in their research and in making analysis.

I want to invite @suboohi,@artist1111,@fantvwiki

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