in hive-167213 •  3 days ago 

Good day steemians!


Today, wednesday February 26 here in Philippines, the Grade 10 parents together with the Grade 10 teachers, principal and SPTA President is having a General PTA Meeting.

This is not the usual quarterly meeting because all the parents of 20 sections of Grade 10 students are gather together in the school gymnasium wherein the principal is the one who do the talking.


One of his agenda is about the upcoming Moving up ceremony which is scheduled this April 14. His reason why he talked about it to relay the parents the expenses for the said ceremony. According to the principal that the school will shoulder the rent of the chair as well as its seat cover, 4 big tent, etc.

While the parents will shoulder the stage deco, snacks for the priest and they will just pay 55php (5.5 steem) per parent. Then the pricipal gave the microphone to the SPTA president so that he will be the one to preside if they will be renting a toga or white dress for the completers or not. The principal suggested that the studenta will just wear uniform to minimize their expenses but they insisted because they wanted that their kids will wear their toga.

The meeting started at 3:30pm and lasted for an hour. After the meeting in the gym, the parents are asked to go to their respective classrooms for grade slip giving.


Before the grade slip giving, I first recognized the honor students by giving a certificate and I also recognized learners with perfect attendance.


Then giving of grade slip was done and after distributing, I allow them to go home.

Wew! One more month to go then school year 2024-2025 will now end. I will really had more days to rest.

That is all for now. Thanks for reading!


[K Y R I E 1 2 3 4]



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I remember when I was little, studying in elementary, middle and high school, studying at school was also like this, God, return us to our original state to study again. 😅

Thank you very much for publishing your post in Teachers and Students community

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@ myteacher


Congratulations to the students who excelled!

thank you

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