"SLC | S21W3 : Teaching Practice"

in hive-167213 •  4 months ago 
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It feels good to be here again this week, I am sincerely in love with the topic of discussion and I couldn't just let go even when I know I do not completely meet the requirements of having to gather students in a classroom for the purpose of the contest.

Well I've been a teacher for over 8 years and most of my teachings were in a school classroom. I still teach today but not in a conventional school classroom. However my knowledge about this profession is very valid due to my many years of experience.

I am not saying I know it all, as a matter of fact the reason why am here is to learn more of what works in the learning environment.So kindly pardon me as I make reference to my past teaching experience and make use of my past pictures.

Tell us what your specialty is and what you would like to teach your students in the next hour-long meeting?

My area of specialization is in the aspect of business study, Commerce and English language, this is because i happen to be in the Commercial Department in my high school days. I am quite knowledgeable in these subjects, moreso, I teach these subjects based on class. I take Junior secondary student class 1 (Jss1) Business studies while I take the class 1 - 3 (Jss 1- 3) English language.

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But on this day I have decided to take my studentsBusiness Studies. Well they have always loved the class because of my approach and teachings styles. In the next session, I will be giving you the details of the lesson.

Tell us about how the learning takes place from the beginning to the end (input-process-output)?

I started out by welcoming them all to the class and then do what I usually like to do to ensure that all of my lessons are being absorbed by the student...and that is doing a recap of what was taught the last time.

• Input

So I began to question them about the last lesson by asking them to mention the topic of the last class. I also go further in asking them what they personally learnt and how they have been practicing what they have learnt.

After the whole recap routine, I moved into the lesson of the day and this time we discussed "Transportation". Transportation is an integral topic in commerce or business studies, business will not actually thrive when transportation is not factored into it. Hence our topic of discussion.


Having mentioned the topic, I engaged the student to share with me what they understood by the topic, this helps them put their brain to work and come up with something intelligent even though not perfect.

And after I heard from them, I then decided to establish the topic by definition the concept. My definitely is this. Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one physical location to the other. This is the simple definition of transportation I gave and they could all relate with it.

The next thing was to engaged them again by asking if they know what means of transportation we have around us. Since they now understand what transportation is, they could give me other intelligent answers which I then built on again to give them the next information which is "means of transportation.We have transportation.."

a. by air
b. by land
c. By water

Under that of the land, we have road (cars, motorcycles etc) rail (train) air (plane) Water (ships, canoe).

After all of these explanations in brief, I then gave them a comprehensive note they could write to further expatiate on all they have heard me taught briefly.


After the long note, I had to engage them again before leaving the class, by doing a short recap and asking them vital questions about the lesson to see if they have truly retained the knowledge they have gotten. I also ensured I gave them homework exercise they could take home to work on just to ensure that the topic "Transportation" sinks into their minds.

How do you ensure that after the learning activity there are changes in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students?

I ensured that there were changes in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor of students after the lesson by carrying out a simple test on them randomly. I did this by engaging them. I didn't just teach them and left immediately, I ensured I took my time to ask them randomly what they understood by the topic.

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In testing the cognitive aspect, I carefully observed how intelligently they responded to the questions even though they didn't answer word for word but it's soothing enough to know they can express themselves intelligently.

In testing the effective/psychomotor aspect, I observed their responses to the lesson, how well did they assimilate it and process it. There are some student who might not grab the lesson the very instance of explaining the topic, there are others that grab it the very instance. When I observed this discrepancy, I identified those who haven't gotten it due to their metal capacity and then go over it by breaking it down to what they can assimilate bit by bit.

Whether the methods and strategies you use are appropriate, how do you develop methods and strategies in future learning meetings?

Well if you ask me, the method I use is quite clear and effective and I don't think I would really like to change it. However change is constant. I believe I might travel to a location someday in the future where some of my strategies might not be applicable due to the learning environment.

At this point I would need to adjust my teaching strategies. Some of the factors that would make me change the strategies are the following points below.

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The Environment: I would study the environment to see what works, from my little years of expert I can tell that every learning environment have what works there. The method am using presently work here where I am, if tomorrow I find myself in another country of the world, I would be adopting their method which I really cannot tell until I get there.

The Student involved: One's method can be frustrated if one do not really understand the nature of the student one is teaching. Therefore my method can be changed or adjusted when I carefully observed my student and what works for them. For example, in some part of Africa, most student learn by threat and punishment but this is not the case in some other part of the world.. I think you now understand me better now.

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Government Policie guiding this Profession: This also have a very serious impact in whatever strategy or method you might want to adopt for impacting knowledge and this is always reviewed from time to time as they deem fit. Therefore I would also find myself changing my teaching method to accommodate these policies.

Share videos and photos, make sure you and the students must be visible**

I do not really have videos to share just like I mentioned in my introduction that I do not have a current picture or videos for this entry as I am presently far from any school environment neither do I have children around me, so I had to maximize the use of my past lessons with student in the classroom...because i really want to be part of this week's lesson.


Maybe someday in the future, I would be back in the classroom again to use my God given talent which is teaching. Just before I drop my pen, I would love to invite @sur-riti @drhira @onomzy001


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