Am I cruel? 🧏‍♂️ Teacher's attitude towards students and creating a competitive learning atmosphere

in hive-167213 •  14 days ago  (edited)
I managed to ignite the students' enthusiasm

As a teacher, there are times when I am gentle and times when I have to be firm or bully. In addition, doing simple things like encouraging them to compete with others can also encourage their enthusiasm in learning.

Today, August 28, 2024, the students and I carry out Scouting activities at school, the implementation of this activity has been planned since two months ago but can only be carried out today.

At this first meeting I have planned some interesting activities so that it is hoped that students will be enthusiastic in participating in Scout training in the future.

The exercise began, I started the activity by inviting students to jointly read the prayer, then I gave directions to all students to form a line into several groups, so that it was easier to organize them and give directions.

The number of students present at the first exercise was very large, according to my count there were estimated to be around 65 students present. Of course it will be very difficult to convey scouting learning material with the number of those who are very much.

Not to mention their very active behavior that likes to talk and disturb their friends around them, which is natural because the ones being trained are children. But I have many ways to make them disciplined, obedient and stay focused on me.

So let's start with the basic marching exercises, first I teach them to be able to do the perfect stance by standing upright, then I teach them some rest in place movements, and I continue by teaching them to do the salute.

At the beginning of the theory I gently explained to them, then after the students had a good grasp of all the movements, I asked them to be more serious without making any mistakes.

In order to make them more focused and serious, I firmly said that anyone who made a mistake would be punished, anyone who did extra movements would also be punished, I explained that the punishment was jumping frogs. The students were terrified, they all looked serious and very careful for fear of making a mistake.

After teaching them some basic marching movements, I then continued the theory of right and left facing movements. The students were very enthusiastic in learning and did the movements according to the instructions given.

I realized that the students were tired because they had been in a standing position for several minutes, then to entertain them and relieve their fatigue I gave them a chant so that they would be more enthusiastic in learning.

The female students are not yet united, When given the opportunity to show the cheers they had created, they were not yet confident.

The next training agenda was a chant competition between male and female students. I formed two groups, one group containing all male students and the other group containing all female students.

I gave them 15 minutes to come up with a yell, to make the competition more challenging and exciting I said that the losing group would be punished by jumping frogs.

The boys were so excited trying to beat the girls, they immediately gathered in one corner of the school to make a good yell.


Photo of them creating cheers under the tree.

While the female students gathered under a cool tree, but unfortunately the female students were not so active and compact.

Finally the chant match started, obviously the boys were more energized and more compact, the boys also had a lot of chants and cheers that made the girls even more discouraged. You can see from some of the photos that the boys were full of enthusiasm.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, hopefully useful and inspiring all who read it. Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.

Greetings 🙏 @miftahulrizky

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  • Aktifitas yang hebat, teman. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler semacam ini memang sangat diperlukan untuk membuat para siswa tetap aktif dan menikmati keseharian mereka di sekolah.

It looks like a fun day was had by all!

This post has been upvoted/supported by Team 7 via @httr4life. Our team supports content that adds to the community in a positive way.


Saludos amigo.
Los docentes debemos ser cariñoso y comprensivos con nuestro alumno pero también hay que demostrar carácter en el aula para poder tener control de grupos.
L me encantó leerte
Te deseo éxito

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Salam Pramuka !
Pembentukan karakter pada siswa terkadang kita sebagai pendidik agak sedikit tegas Kakak. Ketegasan kita dengan tanda kutip " bukan berarti kejam. Ada siswa yang dengan kita sedikit tegas langsung faham apa yang kita ajarkan. Namun banyak juga siswa yang membutuhkan kelembutan. Beragam karakter siswa tersebutlah kita sebagai pendidik harus memahami agar pembelajaran yang kita berikan berjalan sukses sesuai harapan. Lanjutkan dan sukses selalu buat Kakak pembina pramuka. Salam Pramuka !

Benar sekali, saya setuju banyak orang yang berpikir bahwa ketegasan dianggap kejam. Oleh karena itu sebagai pembina kita perlu menyesuaikan dengan keadaan.

Ya Benar.

"Wow! 😊 This is such an inspiring post! 🙏 I loved reading about how you managed to ignite the students' enthusiasm for scouting activities. The photos are amazing too! 👍 It's great to see teachers like you going above and beyond to make learning fun and engaging.

I'm sure the chant competition between boys and girls was a lot of fun (and maybe a little bit intense 😉)! But it's awesome that you're helping them develop teamwork and leadership skills.

As someone who cares about education, I'd love to hear more about your experiences as a teacher. What tips or strategies do you use to keep students engaged and motivated? 💡 Share with us in the comments! 😊

And don't forget to vote for @xpilar.witness by going to 🗳️ We appreciate your support in helping our witness grow and contribute to the Steem community's success. Thanks!"

Getting students involved and motivated in learning certainly has its own tricks, I have explained this topic specifically in a teaching team material.

I have added @xpilar.witness as a witness.