been a student is like a worker, or a business owner. a successful Student comes with a price and not with pleasure. success before pleasure. not pleasure before success.
greetings to my family here! how is everything going with you? hope all is well? I'm happy to share my reading hours with you today. been a student is not easy it comes with discipline and self denier. do you think it's easy to be awake very night to study when others are sleeping it's not easy or friendly.
i have to wake up by 2:00am so i can read my books but i have to denied myself of sleep from 7pm to 6: am. i have to read because i don't want to fail.i woke up thanks to the holy Spirit. thank you Jesus!! we have the formula to sleep but not to wake up. so i prayed and sent straight to my reading table and chair. electricity here is not a problem so i started reading till when I'm tired.
ready and active to read!!
thanks to the alarm that did his part well. inwast angry at it but i have to cut nature at that moment. when i sleep, my good grades will fall off. i don't want to fail so i have to beat sleep.
i love reading at night because it's noise free, i have full concentration. at night I'm at my prime! full of energy and capacity. the alarm is the catalyst !!
if you are a student here, keep reading, keep going consistency over intensity. if your a mother or a father here advice your child to develop the habit of reading at an early age. it's very important. reading is never sweet. it's only sweet when you make it a way of life. Readers are leaders don't be deceived to see that. no big name in the world that cant read!! please fact check me. keep reading!!! stay cheer's up. thanks for reading. love you so much! don't forget effective readers are leaders. keep reading man!!! no scholar is a sleeper