SEC | S19W3: Educational Management

in hive-167213 •  8 months ago 

Is been a while I participated in the steem engagement challenge and I noticed the slight changes done so far and it’s really impressive. The topic “Education Management”, is one, that I couldn’t ignore because it is similar to my field of study, which is business management. I believe, I can share some useful information in the contest.

Without wasting much of our time, let me quickly invite @cletuskelvin, @dar22 and @nsijoro.

Educational Management.


Education management is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling school activities in other to achieve a common goal by effectively utilizing human and material resources. Educational management plays a crucial role in the administration and delivery of education.

The main functions, like the writer suggested are planning, organizing, directing, controlling and implementing. This functions are what is needed effectively to run an educational organization.

I will be sharing with us a real life scenario of poor educational management in an institution that I know about.

Describe the case.


A church that organizes holiday lessons for their member’s children and deemed it necessary to open a school for the kids since the crowd was now getting so much and also had other children that enrolled for the holiday lessons. They kicked off with the school project and when they were done, the pastor of the church handed it over to a management team to run the affairs of the school. The school flourished and grew in numbers.

As years passed, the country entered into recession and many firms were shut down. The church school wasn’t an exception. Paying staff their due wages and other school expenses became difficult, which led to the increase of tuition by management board. This was challenging for the parents to meet up with payment, and handful of the top church staff bypassed the school management and went straight to the pastor to request for a discount.

The pastor, instead of directing them to the school management board, succumbed to their pleas and used his authority to influence the school management. Some teachers, who were also members of the church and had kids in the school, heard about it and were jealous. It didn’t take long before the cat was let out of the bag. Other parents who are also members of the church and were also hit badly by the recession, went to the pastor to complain about their own financial challenges and requested for a discount. The pastor directed them to the school management and told them that whatever they decided was final.

School management stood their grounds that they won’t reduce the tuition. People who couldn’t meet up, left the school, some students were chased back home because they couldn’t pay their fees and the cash generated from the few students left was not enough to run the school and pay staffs. Some unpaid teachers resigned and the few left didn’t take their job serious because of lack of support and recognition. The volunteer teachers that were employed didn’t have proper training and lack skills to implement modern teaching strategies.


This affected the academic performance of the students. The curricula used even failed to meet the students educational needs or prepare them for the university. It didn’t take long, parents started withdrawing their kids from the school and this made the pastor of the church, shut down the school completely.

Identify the managerial problems that occurred.



  • The school management lacked financial planning and had poor management skills because they failed to plan for external factors like “recession” that can influence an organization's performance. This led to financial difficulties in paying staff salaries and other expenses.

  • The decision of increasing school fees without even sitting down with the parents to discuss or set up a strategy to support parents affected by the recession, led to the massive withdrawal of kids

  • The communication gap between the school management, parents and the pastor led to the misunderstanding. What I’m saying is that, rather than making the decision around offered discount publicly, it was done in a closed door which fueled jealousy among staffs and parents that are also members of the church.

  • The pastor undermined the authority of the management board by granting discounts without even consulting them in the first place.

  • The favoritism showed to top members of the church and disregarding others who were staffs and other parents who had kids in the school as well, brought about resentment.

  • Been unable to pay staff there due wages, outdated school curriculum and employing untrained volunteered teachers reduced the quality of the education, which made them unfit for the university

  • The management and church leadership were only focused on short term solution by increasing the fees, instead of thinking of a long term solution. To make matters worse, the poor handling of parents' financial concerns and inconsistent discount policies damaged relationships with both the church and school

Analyze the causes using the education management functions and proffering the right solution to the problem?
PlanningLack of financial planning to prepare for external factors like “economic recession”No one saw the recession coming and this made them not to have a proper financial plan in cases of crisis like this. This prompted the urgent fee incrementFor proper financial planning, there should always be a monetary reserve for eventualities like this, risk assessment and a good financial forecaster because before anything happens, there is always a sign.
OrganizingPoor organizational structure.As a result of the poor structure in the school, some of the church members saw it as their right to bypass the school management and met the pastor. The pastor also failed by disregarding the management and influencing their decision by giving discountsA proper organizational structure with well define roles for members of the staff. Any complaint or request from the parents or staff should be submitted to a complaint box or shared with the appropriate authority.
DirectingPoor leadership qualities from the pastorThe pastor direct involvement in the school affairs especially with way he handled the fees discount brought about resentment when other members noticed there was favoritism.Leadership should be fair when handling delicate matters and rather than doing things in closed doors, everyone should be carried along through the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting. The pastor should also support his management team rather than overriding their decision
implementingPoor implementation policiesThe decision of the management to implement the increase of the school fees without discussing with the parents was wrong. Secondly, the management decision of employing volunteer teachers without proper training reduced the educational performance of the students.Setting up a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) would have been a step towards the right direction. In this association, issues are thrown on the floor for people to deliberate on before implementation is carried out. A proper training should also be set aside for new intakes into the educational sector whether you are a master in your field or not
ControllingPoor evaluations and monitoring of school operations.No proper monitoring to assess the damage caused by the fee increase. Secondly, when the volunteers were employed, their performance was not evaluated. The management hurriedly employed them to fill in the lacuna that the resigned teachers had created. This was brought about the poor quality of education.Regular monitoring and evaluation systems should be established to check the performance of financial strategies, staff effectiveness, and student outcomes.

The shut down of the school was as a result of poor implementation of educational management functions. If the school had prepared for all this unforeseen circumstances beyond their control and had good savings, it wouldn’t have gotten to this extent. So as an educationist or anyone who wants to run an organization, it’s vital you have this functions at your fingertips.

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Hi @sbamsoneu your analysis of the school's management issues is very clear. I agree that fairness in leadership, proper communication with parents, and effective monitoring are crucial for running a successful school.

The suggestions you provided for setting up a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and regular evaluations are excellent steps towards improving school management. Thanks for sharing these important points🤗🌸🌺💐

Thank you for your apt review!! I really appreciate your comment

The growth of education is based on how well the school management has planned to move the school further lack of well-defined educational management the school will lack development. Your post is well-detailed. Good luck to you.

Thanks boss… for visiting my post..

Me gustó tu publicación. En efecto, la gestión educativa debe proyectar posibles escenarios no favorables, y en función de ellos, diseñar planes que permitan la consecución educativa.

Me encantó leerte. Suerte.

Thank you.. ma’am..

Gara-gara resesi ekonomi, pendidikan yang tadinya baik-baik saja harus gulung tikar dikarenakan managerial yang tidak kompeten, jika saja pihak gereja mau duduk bersama dengan semua wali murid, guna mencari solusi bersama agar sekolah tetap berjalan pasti semua akan baik-baik saja...

Pendidikan merupakan hak setiap individu. Prinsip pendidikan itu kebebasan dengan landasan etika. Ketika dewan gereja sebagai pendiri sekolah melakukan intervensi, maka sejak saat itu hilanglah esensi dari pendidikan. Artinya dewan gereja telah gagal memberikan contoh mendidik yang benar.