SLC | S22W3 : Teacher self-evaluation using SWOT analysis technique

in hive-167213 •  2 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum,
Hello everyone,
I am @selina1

From #Bangladesh



Starting by wishing good health to all steemit friends. Off to the third week to participate in a new engagement challenge. The theme of the engagement challenge is "SLC | S22W3 : Teacher self-evaluation using SWOT analysis technique". So let's get started.

What is your opinion after understanding the topics given in this course on teacher self-evaluation using SWOT analysis technique? 1 point.

swot management helps an individual, a teacher or a businessman to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats related to his educational business project through a strategic plan and strategic management plan. swot strategy is a good aspect of all evaluations of a teacher.

  • Strength: A teacher's strengths include the strengths of a teacher. That is, how much a teacher can teach students, how well they understand students, and how good they are at everything from teaching to interacting with students. Can give good performance in his own work.

  • Weaknesses: Teachers are not proficient in all aspects of teaching. Therefore, a teacher should be assigned the responsibility of teaching according to the weakness identified in that subject. In that case a teacher will be able to maintain a good communication system with his students.

  • Opportunities: Giving a teacher opportunities to develop his teaching skills in various ways such as teaching through the use of new technology in the current digital age and increasing communication with students in various ways. By this a teacher can excel and give good performance if he gets good facilities.

  • Threats: There are different types of threats to be faced in every teaching. A teacher has to overcome them by identifying various aspects of threats in his teaching or good performance. Then a teacher can impart education to his students without hindrance.

Evaluate your teaching activities so far using the SWOT analysis technique, identifying as many of your strengths and weaknesses as possible? 3 points

Is my strength

My greatest strength in teaching students is that I am very good at communicating with students. I usually take classes for kids. Younger students like to learn in a very simple way so I like to teach them through different techniques.

Teaching by intimidating students is not right. When they are inattentive in class I try to make them focus in class with joy. I am proficient in Bengali, Religion and Science. So I teach them according to my subject skills. This is my greatest strength because I am good at it.

I teach them about some technological uses in the present digital age in a simple way. By being friendly with them, I find out their weaknesses and teach them. So that they can easily master my teaching.

Is my weakness

Teaching young children is a very difficult task. Because teaching young children has to overcome various obstacles like they fuss a lot, take time to understand something and many young students are inattentive in the class. In that case one has to be very patient to teach the students of a class.

There are different types of students in a class and each one has different talent. All students cannot master the same teaching at the same time. Therefore, to make everyone talented at the same time, there are various problems.

Besides, all these students have to understand something from the textbook in many ways. So students have to teach with a lot of time but a class has fixed time. So I have to consider all aspects and teach the students.

Evaluate your teaching activities so far using the SWOT analysis technique, identifying as many opportunities and threats as possible? 3 points


To enable students to use new technologies in teaching. By doing this, students will be able to keep pace with this digital age.

Attending teacher training centers at least once a year. A teacher can give good performance in teaching students by mastering various trainings in the teacher's training center and adopting various techniques.

Besides, using online learning platform for students through online resources at present in schools. By doing this, students can study in harmony with other schools or students from abroad.



In the digital era, it is possible to teach students better by using technologies, but schools do not have all kinds of technology resources due to various obstacles. The main obstacle is the financial system.

Nowadays parents are very concerned about their child's education and they put their child under a lot of pressure for competition. In that case many times the teacher cannot master the education according to his freedom.

Online learning systems are usually powered by electricity and WiFi internet. But variously it is closed at different times due to which imparting of education becomes impossible. A few days ago in our Bangladesh all internet was shut due to which online teaching of students was stopped.


After using the SWOT analysis technique, what follow-up plans will you make in the future, what are your priorities? 3 points

I must first plan the teaching of the students. Must attend the teacher training center at least once a year to incorporate new art techniques in the teaching system.

Various obstacles in providing education to students should be identified and overcome. Providing education through technical management in schools.

To teach the students in the subject that I have expertise in teaching. Through good communication system with attentive and inattentive students, their merit type phenomenon.

Identifying the weaknesses of the students through assessment tests between classes and taking the education measures of the students accordingly. Providing focused teaching to the students in the time of the students while maintaining their independence.

In essence, a teacher's goal is to implement the swot analysis technique.


Thank you all for reading my post

I would like to invite some of my friends to this contest. They are, @bossj23 @okere-blessing, @crismenia @muzack1


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