"SLC | S22W2 : Anti-bullying Campaign by Teachers"

in hive-167213 •  last month 

Hello friends, it is another day to make my views known for the topic under review. Bullying is an act we all must have experienced at one time or the other. Each time this happens, we never feel the same but rather either saddened, disappointed, scared, less valued, intimated, just name it... let's get to work here.

designed in canva
In your language, What Have you learned about bullying? And give an example of anti-bullying that is applied in your country or around you. (2 points)

Bullying is an anti-social and racial vice that comes in multifaceted forms. It could be through physical abuse, where the victim is manhandled and probably injured or harmed, or verbally, where the victim is humiliated, intimated, and emotionally harmed.

It is one negative vice that usually runs on a parallel line with an indication of weight seen from the strongest to the weakest. A condition where the powerful subdues the less trodden at every given opportunity.

However, we have seen online and social bullying where users are called out and maligned in a manner that is pitiable and depressive. In fact, bullying is an aggressive behavior that is condemnable in all spheres of life.

The impact thereafter is what no one would want to experience as the mental health of the individuals is threatened, which, if unchecked, could lead to depression, suicide, low self-esteem, and unintended anxiety.

Examples of Anti-bullying Within my Space:

I was a border during my college days and I would gladly say that I enjoyed the largesse of equal treatment in everything and activities that was done in school. This was an exemplary leadership style of the then Principal of the school, Late Chief Iroha. A man who is not only principled but a core disciplinarian.

All through his reign for about 5 years before his retirement, we enjoyed an anti-bullying space, which was pronounced in his leadership. He believes all animals are equal, not a situation. where some are more equal than others. However, this does not remove the fact respect is reciprocal and should be earned especially from the little ones.

But something happened just immediately when he was announced to be retiring. The scenario was likened to that of the animal farm. A book that precipitated values where there are more equal animals in the same space. I got to know that bullying, no matter how humans are tamed, still has untapped tendencies to exhibit this ugly behavior.

For my last year in school, I witnessed different bullying issues though not directly to me but to junior students. This was so because the policies of the former were not in tandem with the present coordinator. It looked as if people nursed their bullying strings, only waiting to be unleashed in a conducive space. Therefore, the policies of leaders matter a lot in controlling anti-bullying activities.

In my state, the government has also floated different campaigns that are anti-bullying promoters. These are done through its policies and the use of educational workshops. This has helped in creating awareness among students unconsciously but for the betterment of the future.

Make an anti-bullying Poster or infographic with the creativity you have, complete with the steps to make it and the meaning of each image you make. Originality is the main thing of assessment. (4 points)

Say No To Bullying _ Poster

I chose this campaign header given its general acceptability and easy-to-understand phrase. The essence of this title is to discourage every form of these vices and take action to end them.

The images used were captivating for me. The broken chain 🔗 simply means freedom from this act. Breaking out from bullying is one need action we. all need to push for and this broken chain represents this fact.

The heart ❤️ encapsulating the chain means peace and kindness. We need this duo as where they exist; there is harmony and coexistence worthy of emulation.

In creating this poster, I assembled my drawing materials. In my list was my pencil, sharpener, ruler, and A4 plain sheet.


The second stage in my poster preparation was to draw an image representing freedom and kindness. This was done through the symbol of a " broken chain" (freedom), and that of a heart (kindness).


The third stage was to boldly write down the title with the caption, "SAY NO TO BULLYING".


The 4th stage for me was to some colouring of all drawn characters. With the aid of my crayons, I was ablemto have blend of colouring in place. This was to enable it have a captivating view.

Publish your videos to oppose bullying on social media, it can be YouTube, Instagram, twitter, and TikTok. Complete with the hashtag #antibullyingSteemit. (2 points)

Write your campaign message against bullying, using your language. (2 point)


Omume iji ike emegbu mmadụ na-emetụta onye ọ bụla n'ime obodo n'agbanyeghị afọ ole ma ọ bụ ọkwa ya nwere mmetụta na-akpata igbu onwe ya, nchekasị ịda mbà n'obi, ùgwù onwe onye dị ala, na ahụ erughị ala mmetụta uche ndị ọzọ. Nke a bụ otu omume anyị ga-akatọ n'ime ya bụ mkpokọta n'ihi na nke a na-emepụta ikuku egwu na ahụ erughị ala maka onye ahụ nwere ọnọdụ enweghị nchebe nke na-ekwesịghị ekwesị maka onye ọ tara ahụhụ.

Anyị na-ahụ omume a na mmegbu omume n'ebe nile na anyị ọha mmadụ nke ụyọkọ mmadụ; dị ka n'ụlọ akwụkwọ anyị, n'ebe ọrụ anyị na nnọkọ oriri na ọṅụṅụ ndị ọzọ. Mana mmetụta ya na-anọgide na-adị mkpa na ndụ onye ahụ. Otú ọ dị, anyị ga-azụlite àgwà nke igosi ọmịiko mgbe nile agbamume na ikwalitekwa ajọ omume ọjọọ a ọzọ.

Iji ike emegbu anyị, anyị ga-amalite omume megide mmegbu kama ịbụ ndị na-adịghị ele anya mgbe nke a metụtara anyị ozugbo ma ọ bụ na-apụtaghị ìhè. Anyị nwere nnwere onwe ise n'elu mmemme na-kwụsị a omume megide mmadu; mmemme na atumatu nke na-akwalite mmetụta ọmịiko, obiọma, na mkpọsa karịrị akarị nke na-eweta nsụhọ ziri ezi n'uche ọtụtụ ndị.

Gọọmenti na ndị ọzọ na-ahụ maka onwe ha kwesịkwara ịgbalị ịkwalite amụma mgbochi mmegbu site n'itinye iwu ọrụ siri ike n'ebe ọrụ, iwu cyber siri ike iji belata mmegbu n'ịntanetị, na atụmatụ ndị ọzọ nwere ezi nzube ezubere maka uru nke ibelata mmegbu nke mmegbu.

Ka anyị gbakọọ aka sị mba imegbu mmadụ ma kwalite nkwekọ, udo, na obiọma. Ụwa ga-abụ ebe ka mma nke enweghị mmegbu.



Bullying action affects every one in the society irrespective of age class or status with resultant effects leading to suicide, depression anxiety, low self-esteem, and other emotional discomfort. This is one action we have to condemn in is totality as this creates an atmosphere of fear and discomfort for it's victim with relatively states of insecurity which is undeserving for its victim.

We find this acts and bullying action in everywhere in our society of human clusters; like in our schools, our workplaces, and other social gathering. But it's effects remain centric in the life of the victim. However we must cultivate the habit of always showing empathy respect encouragement and as well standing up again this negative vices.

Bullying, we must initiate actions against bullying rather than be unlookers when we are either directly or indirectly affected by this. We are at liberty to float programs that stem this action against humanity; programs and policies that promote empathy, kindness, and overwhelming campaigning that bring positive consciousness in the mind of many.

The government and other private sectors should also endeavor to promote anti-bullying policies by putting in place strong labor laws in workplaces, strong cyber laws to reduce online bullying, and other well-meaning strategies intended for the benefit of reducing incidences of bullying.

Let us collectively say no to bullying and promote harmony, peace, and kindness. The world would become a better place void of bullying.

Thank you

I am inviting @gracyc, @chommygift, and @tykay019.

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