7 Days Writing Challenge[Day-7] A Remedy For Curing Stroke // By @aaron1990

in hive-167622 •  4 years ago 


Welcome beautiful steemians,
I am your humble boy @aaron1990. Hope your all doing great? It is a pleasure to share with you "A Remedy To Cure Stroke" as my day 7 entry for the 7 days writing challenge organized by @steemalive. Let me also cease this opportunity to thank @focusnow for his efforts in making this community a successful one. I am glad to be part of this community. So friends please stay with me as i share with you a remedy for curing stroke.

A Remedy For Curing Stroke

Stroke is a sickness that has affected so many people round the world. Some suffer partial stroke while others suffer the main stroke. In this case the remedy is for both strokes. Trust me after doing this you will come back and thank me. Information is knowledge, so please dont ignore this remedy, share it with others because you dont know whose live you may safe some day.

If you have not heard of this method before, you can try the prescriptions am about sharing with you. If any one close to you has stroke, then you will understand why you need to look for a solution to cure that person.


Things you need

  • A snail
  • A Tin peak milk
  • A container

20210825_124636.jpgThe Snail

20210829_153055.jpgThe Tin peak milk

Get a nail, those big snails. Wash them very well with clean water then break the snail gently and dont waste the water that comes out from it while breaking them. Gather the water that came out from the snail and put it in a container.

How To Collect Water From The Snail

Soak the snails in a water to get them drawned, then pick each snail and break the pointed end of the snail. Water will be coming out from it. The water is brownish in colour. Make sure to get enough snails in order to get
enough quantity of water from thr snail. After getting the water and putting it in a container, get a tin peak milk, open it and pour all of it inside the container put put the snail water and mix them together.

After mixing both the snails water and the peak milk together inside a container, shake it very well amd follow the prescriptions below

  • Three teaspoon in the morning
  • Three teaspoon in the afternoon
  • Three teaspoon in the evening

Try this for 3weeks, and you will see results that will surprise you.

Thank You For Reading My post

Special Regards
Cc: @steemalive
Cc: @focusnow
Cc: @samuel20
Cc: @ninapenda

Written by: @aaron1990
For: @steemalive

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Nice research now I know traditional way of cureing stroke

Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate