Prowritershub-w5:Bribery and corruption, how they affect our society

in hive-167622 •  2 years ago 


Looking at our world today, I must say the w the prophesy recorded at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 has been fulfilled or is fulfilling which show that we're in the last days especially the place that said "people will be lovers of money, haughty and having no natural affection" because everywhere is full of bribery and corruption and it's affecting our society badly.



Bribery is said to be the act of making illegal payment to people in higher authorities or place in order to influence and persuade them to change their decision or thoughts on certain matters.


Corruption is the act of impairing integrity, virtue or moral principles, the state of being corrupted or debased, loss of purity or integrity, depravity, wickedness, impurity and bribery.
Bribery and corruptionworks together due to the fact that men no longer value their integrity because of love of money, material things, possession and greediness etc.


The rate at which crime, corruption and Bribery is accelerating in Nigeria is shocking and especially from those who we consider to be Men and women of integrity. People like the police, navy who claims to be our security personnel do collect bribes in order to allow the exportation and importation of dangerous and adulterated goods in and out of the country. Judges in the court are now looking at personality and charisma before passing judgement in order to favor someone who is guilty of a serious crime either by protecting the person from the law or by decreasing the sentences thereby increasing crime and corruption in the country. Love of money has lead youths into kidnapping and money rituals just to fulfill their desires. Girls engage themselves in prostitution to get money and as well students who seat for an examination engage in examination malpractices just to make the best results. Coming to election and democracy of the country, wrong leaders are choosen because of the fact that people have been influenced and intimidated with cash or in kind to vote for a particular candidate. All these leads to increased rate of Bribery and corruption in the country.


In a nutshell, corruption increases inequality, decreases popular accountability and political responsiveness and produces rising frustration and hardship among citizens. On the other hand, bribery leads to poverty and inequality, personal kiss, intimidation and inconvenience, failure in infrastructure, impunity and partial justice etc.


In contrary to what I said in my introductory part, to be honest I don't think Bribery and corruption can be eliminated again in the country until God's kingdom because it is among Bible prophecies, but it is important as well for everyone to keep a simple eyes and avoid the love of money because it is the root of all evil. Thanks.


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Bribery and corruption is the major problem that our country Nigeria is facing today.

Learn how to paragraph your work,I found difficult to read your article and I ended half way and also be more detailed

When dealing with corruption, always remember that there are consequences. You could be stopped and questioned, or worse, arrested and charged with a crime.

Bribery and Corruption are a big problem today just as you stated @abinne.

I don't think Bribery and corruption can be eliminated again in the country until God's kingdom because it is among Bible prophecies, but it is important as well for everyone to keep a simple eye and avoid the love of money because it is the root of all evil.

I totally agree with this your conclusion.
God's government is the only solution.

Sometimes bribery and corruption can be reduced by simply speaking up, but it is not always as easy as that. Sometimes people are forced to bribe or corrupt people due to lack of opportunity.

You have written well about bribery and corruption. This two actions have done so much to the society. The judicial, educational, security, and political sector of many countries have all been ruined by bribery and corruption. A big reason to worry.

Pls I need a direct source of that image, not a source that contains all pictures on google.

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For a bribe to work, it has to be large enough that the person doing the paying doesn't mind the cost and it has to be given to someone who is in a position of power. #4Times7

I agree with you only God's Kingdom will wipe away but corruption and those who practice it, and having that at the back of our mind should help us try as we can to stay spotless from bribery and corruption.

it is important to speak up about the corruption because speaking up about corruption can help change the system.

I agree with you, but who will hear you that's the problem

My dear, corruption is really bad,as it has increased in our world today and the main coause of it is the bad status of the economy of the country as everyone is looking for ways to survive.
Thank you @abinne for this nice post #4times7

Corruption is a term that can be defined as the abuse of power for private gain. This is usually done through bribery, which is the act of giving money to a public official in order to change their behavior or decision.

Yes dear.

Corruption and bribery work hand in hand. And is seen almost everywhere. Just few person's with conscience and fear of God. Are our hope. But i will try my best to b e outstanding not to be part of this evil in our land today.

It is important to understand the different types of corruption and how they are all connected. In order to prevent corruption, it is necessary to have strong institutions and independent officials.

Bribery is said to be the act of making illegal payment to people in higher authorities or place in order to influence....

In countries where bribery is accepted as a way of life, it can be difficult to know if you are being taken advantage of or if you are getting a fair deal.

I admire your bold attempt in making the post. Am aware that the topic is very complex and has many dimensions. Some of the allusions needed to be supported with evidence. We cannot just be comfortable with for example the general impression that police collect bribe, it is not enough. I think everyone is neck deep into this. The effect is there for us to see in the lack of infrastructure in our country. It erodes the resources for developing the country. Have you wondered why the crime of bribery and corruption is not reported to the authorities such as the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offenses Commission (ICPC), the EFCC or the Nigerian Police. Lastly, Does it exist in the private sector, that is among people who are not public servants?

Corruption is an issue in many countries and it affects the quality of life for many people. It is important to be aware of what is going on in your country so that you can take action.

Money is the root of all evil but everyone love it. Without money how can you eat? It is not money that is the problem but our state of mind .
Am impressed by your work. Corruption has eaten deeply into the fabrics of our country and what shall we do about it? Let's reexamine our lives and see where we missed it and in addition obey our laws. It shall be well with us. Don't and don't take bribe says the law. Good post. Thank you.

Bribery in our country is becoming some it has come to extend that people pay money so that the can get jobs.

The rate of corruption is why our country is facing challenges today.

Bribery and corruption is a societal problem, it cuts across every where. From the government, public and private sectors, schools, markets and even religious communities, one way or another it is being practiced. The disheartening aspect of this is that those who are supposed to be fighting it are actually the ones pioneering it.

This bribery and corruption of a thing don tire me ooooo, could you imagine that even people who don't have money still bribe people through other means?

The condition is very bad people are sailing there homes or landes for this purpose Government should take action

On the other hand, bribery leads to poverty and inequality, personal kiss, intimidation and inconvenience, failure in infrastructure, impunity and partial justice etc.

You have made an excellent explanations on how bribery has caused a lot of harm to poeple and the community at large. Well, it's a sign of the last days just as the Bible said. If I may ask, is there any hope that corruption will be done away with!

If our leaders should eradicate corruption among themselves i think that of the society will be very easy to stop. Because this started with them before the community join them now is every where Even in the church too.

Love for money activated so many state of immoral standard , making our supposing natural environment . To become highly polluted with such as corruption and bribery the centralized culture for greed , embezzlement , nepotism , hardship , bad governances , malpractices in high rates ranging from job interview , exams and electoral among others. Thank you for sharing.

Love of money has lead youths into kidnapping and money rituals just to fulfill their desires.

I agree with you 100%. No wonder the bible said that love of money is the root of all evil.