Prowritershub-w5: My bucket list [5 things I want to achieve before kicking the bucket] by@abinne.

in hive-167622 •  2 years ago 


I was very happy to see this topic and happy as well to participate in this contest because I have many things, wishes, goals and desires I want to achieve and establish in life before I die.
Many people have dreams and wishes they want to achieve, I have numerous wishes but I will share only five (My 5 bucket list)
They include
Further my education
Open a clinic and lab center
Travel to another country (Switzerland)
Offer scholarship to students where I schooled
Get married.

Many will be wondering why I choose these five, here is the explanation to each of them.


My first bucket list is to further my education which I want to do at Abiastate school of nursing. It have always been my dream to study general nursing and med-lab training in order to obtain my certificates and credentials and become a qualified medical personnel.

Why is this bucket list important to me?:This is very important to me because without fulfilling or achieving this my first bucket list, there is no way I will achieve the second one and other ones as well.

At what age do I intend to achieve it?:I am 17 now and I don't want to waste any more time since I'm done with my secondary School, that's why I want to start now (this year) to further my education so that before I will become 20, my first bucket list which is furthering my education in the school of nursing will be over.

Why is it a challenge?:one of the challenge that is drawing this my first goal back is that the school of nursing have not started saling their forms and as well I don't know when they will write their entrance exam, the major challenge is that the financial situation in my family is not yet stable so I have to wait and have more patience before I start to accomplish my first bucket list.

Do you think you can achieve this goal?: I am certain that I will achieve this goal because God will always be my helper and as well relying on him will help me so much. My grandma always say that if we're determined to do something, we will always achieve it, so determination will help me as well to achieve it.


The second goal I will be very happy to achieve is to open a clinic and a laboratory center, after I'm done with my education in the school of nursing and obtain my certificates and credentials, I will not have to wait for the government to offer me job, I will rather open my own clinic or chemist and as well lab center

Why is this goal important to me?: This goal is very important to me because it will be a source of earnings and living to me. As well it will be a place to save people's life.

Why is it a challenge to achieve this goal now?:To open a clinic or a lab center, huge amount of money is needed because at the place where I am doing my lab training now, the machines used are very costly and as well they are not from Nigeria so I need a huge amount of money before I can achieve my second goal.

Do you think you can achieve the goal?: I will surely achieve this my second goal because without it, that simply means that I wasted all my time, money and energy in schooling.


Since I was born I have never visited any other city or any other country, I was born in ABA abiastate and as well did both my primary and secondary School in aba, so I will be glad to visit another country when the right time comes and most importantly I want to visit Switzerland.

Why is this goal important to me?: I have heard alot of good things about Switzerland and how enjoying life is like over there. Since I have not been there before, I will like to visit that place and as well feel the atmospheric conditions of Switzerland.

At what age do I intend to achieve this goal?: I told my self that I will visit Switzerland when I am 22 by then I will be married already so that I and my husband will have our honeymoon at Switzerland.

Why is it a challenge to achieve this goal?: Since I don't have any relative neither do I know anyone at Switzerland, I wonder how I will cope with the new environment. And as well to travel outside Nigeria, money is involved for both the international passport and Visa.

Do you think you can achieve this goal?: I will try and make alot of profit from my career so that I will be able to achieve this my third goal, as well marry a life partner who will help me achieve this goal.


When I was still in ss1 at Tina's day secondary School Located at 8 nwaguru street ohanku road,I was given a scholarship by one of our ex senior prefect who is a gynaecologist. I will also do the same by offering scholarship to the best students because it is a way to show appreciation and as well to show that I value my almamata.

Why is it important to me?: This goal is important to me because if I don't fulfill or achieve it, it shows that I have failed the promise I made to my principal back then.....I told him that "I WILL SOON BE BACK".

Do you think you can achieve this goal?: I am certain that I will achieve this goal because I have already listed some of things I will do for my school when I become a successful medical personnel. And as well God is my strength.


As a teenager, I know that one day I will surely get married. It is a very important goal I will love to achieve in life and I know it will happen soon.

Why is this goal important to me?: This goal is important to me because when I get married to a life partner who is god-fearing and loving, my life will be full of happiness.

At what age do I intend to achieve this goal?: I want to get married at the age of 22 or 23 by Jehovah's grace by then I will have something to support my husband financially.

Do you think you can achieve this goal?: I'm pretty sure that it will surely come through because some of the things I'm seeing is a wonderful sign.


These are some of the things I wish to achieve before I die .I pray that God will help me achieve all my goals. Thanks for those who will read my post.


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You have a nice bucket list, God help you as you look forward in achieving your dreams.

Thank you dear

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

All your bucket list is quite achievable. But, the financial situation of your family is trying to scatter your aim in life. But, take heart, you're not left alone. It's affecting Almost all families including mine.

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Financial problems is really one affecting families today including mine, that is why we are hustling to break out from it and breaking out from poverty is one of my bucket list

You're on my mind. I strongly believe that the elimination of poverty should be counted among bucket lists. Meanwhile, who no like better thing? Who want to remain poor?

Poverty is very bad is that is the only thing rich people fear, poverty has really brought and caused so many corruption in our country today

Omor ehhhhnnnnn, almost all bucket lists has marriage in it, my dear marriage is important ooooo
As for your dream of opening a clinic/lab, it's a nice dream and I'm in full support of it. Traveling is part of education, so when you're leaving, please tag me along

Yes la, marriage is very important infact it should be the first amongst all because when a person grows and the person doesn't have a family of his/her own it is a big shame

It's true oo

Awesome bucket list and the one that interest me most is traveling to countries, traveling is very educative and when travel the person will see how beautiful other parts of the world looks like. I pray you achieve them all

The truth is that the day one will kick the bucket is not known. What we can do we can do the rest is in God's hand.

That's right, no one knows the day he or she will die, only God knows when a man will kick bucket