Hello friends, how are you? I hope all the friends will be fine
This community is new to friends and is the first post۔Today I am going to write a diary game
Hope you like it Stemat is a great platform. I enjoy working. I hope I will try my best.
Friends got up early this morning and went for a routine walk Walking keeps a person in good health. I walked for a while And also exercised
Then he came home after walking and washed his face with soap
Then we had breakfast with tea and paratha
Then at half past seven he went to work as per routine I work as a seamstress and a tailor
Going to work, he straightened the thread first and started sewing He worked till twelve o'clock, then he went on holiday for bread and then he ate bread
Work started after bread and worked till three o'clock۔Then I took a holiday and then I came home and wrote a post. This is my day
Goodbye to all friends Be happy be happy